that would be enough

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Lookaround, look around.... how lucky you are to be alive right


How long have you known? A month or so, you should've told me, I'm

not sorry, I know you would fight unti,the war done (the war is

not done)but you deserve  a chance to meet  your son.

Look, around look around...

Look at where you are, look at where you started. The fact your

alive is a miracle, stay alive that would be  enough. I don't

pretend to  know the challenges your facing or the world's your

keep erasing and creating in your mind, but I'm not afraid  I

know who I married as long as you come home at the end of the

day. That would be enough.  And if this child, shares a fraction

of your smile or a fragment of your mind, look out world! That

would be enough we don't need money, we don't need a legacy if I

could grant you piece of mind if you could let me inside your

heart.... oh, let me apart of the narative, in the story they

will write someday, let this moment bet the first chapter: where

you decide to stay.... and I could be enough and we could be

enough that would be enough!...

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