Chapter four

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it had been a week since our encounter with Eclipse and Sonic seemed off for some reason...Dark and his other forms have been taking control more...and it worried me

at the moment Fleetway was in control and just floating around, with nothing to entertain him

"Ok what is going on?" I snapped, I've had it with not getting any answers

"what do you mean?" Fleetway hummed as he looked at me

"why are you taking control of him! Every time i see him it's when he's eating!" I growled

"Look, it's part of the deal we made when he first turned into me, so every now and then we come out yes, but not for long, this is part of the deal, once a year, or when ever we have enough of each other, he lets one of us take control for the entire day, only when he needs to eat will he be in control until our time is up and everything goes back to normal" Fleetway explained with a bored expression

"then why-" he cut me off

"Look shadow, I know your worried and have no idea whats going on, but this is normal, remember when he ran off last year and the year before? that's because he didn't want or trust you to find out yet" Fleetway sighed 

i only blinked and sighed before nodding, i looked him in the eys and saw something that told me, that something was wrong and that he didn't want us to know, before i could say anything, Silver walked in

"hey, i have a question" Silver said as he looked at Fleetway, he sighed and looked up at the roof

"what is it?" he stated

"where do you go when your not in control?" Silver asked, Fleetway blinked and turned to him

"uhh...I'm not actually sure...Super would know, or even Demon...i think" Fleetway mumbled, confused with himself

"well that's not useful' I scoffed

"do you still hate me?" Fleetway chuckled, he gave me an amused look

I glared at him, making him laugh

"Wel what's it look like?" Silver asked, drawing Fleetways attention from me

"well, there are like three zones or areas for us, one is pure white, the other pure black and the middle a grey colour, there separated by barriers we can't see, but we can feel them when we pass"Fleetway said with a serious expression

"what?" Both me and Silver questioned

"you know what? just ask Demon" Fleetway huffed as he floated away

'this is going to be a long day...' i thought with a silent sigh

to be continued

Thanks for reading


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