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Letting my tattered backpack slide off my bare shoulder it dropped down beside the couch with a heavy thud. I could hear the familiar boisterous male voice rumble throughout the house. Walking through the hallway I stopped at the open door to my fathers "office". Propping one arm against the door frame I leaned inside

Sure enough, surrounding his old wooden desk with golden details embedded inside was my father Taranis and my uncles Esus and Teutates. To look at the three men now you'd never assume they were once a triad of powerful and bloodthirsty Celtic deities. You'd see three old friends, a businessman, a barkeep and a farmer.

"Hey Sparky, how was classes?" My father questioned noticing my arrival a smile forming on his weathered skin.

"Uneventful, still waiting for Macaulay to snap and turn Brent into a toad or something" I informed blandly with a shrug.

"That would be the day. I'd be proud of my son actually using his powers for once" uncle Esus grumbled rolling his eyes and he took a swig of beer.

"Did you get a chance to do what we discussed" my father questioned leaning back.

Rolling my eyes I dropped my head dramatically giving it a shake before tilting up to one side. I could see the curious glimmer of hope that had formed in my fathers' eyes. Both my uncles bore looks that matched. I looked at all three men upside down.

"Seriously you three. I am not walking into a mortal high school already sprawling with barely functional humans and pushing old school paganism on them" I  stated firmly straightening into myself up crossing my arms over my chest.

"And why not?. The other religions do!." Esus questioned placing his bottle down.

"Yeah. The ones more acceptable by modern standers. Not the ones with the motto. "Sacrifice your enemies to the old gods. Help us help you." " I retorted with dramatic humour. I could see my uncles lip twitch as he prepared to retort.

"I'm serious. I'm not going around with "ritualistic sacrifice 101" brochures." I warned turning around as I started to walk away.

"Aww, cmon Spark!  Help your family out!" They called out behind me.

"I'm related to a bunch of psychopaths," I informed my self as I headed up the stairs to my room.

For as long as I could remember, this had been my life. Me trying to survive being a half-blood and managing normal life. While dealing with my father and uncles crazy schemes to return to the top of the deity food chain. No wonder the council was always banging on our door.

Surviving and fitting in mortal high school was hard enough. Being the daughter of a once ruthless, blood-hungry warlord and Celtic god of thunders daughter. Just made it worse.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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