Flash back

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Okay this chapter includes how you got into the situation you are in now this has manipulation and abuse

"So kiddo how did your old man treat ya, like how bad was it living with him?" Charlie inquired. You thought a moment before yo began to explain. "Life was rather difficult. He would come home drunk and beat my mother senseless then have a 'talk' with me witch included putting cigaretts out on my wrist, half choking me, and before he left he would always find ways to touch me in the wrong ways and places. It got even worse when I began school. He would come home, beat my mother come up to my room punch me slap me and at one point when I tried to hide he made me walk on broken glass. Another time as punishment for leaving the house to get milk he made me stand in the corner on my tip toes with thumb tacs under my heels. Once I turned 10 he began getting sexual. He would make me touch him and he would touch me. And when I said no....

He.. He... Striped me naked and... Raped me."

Charlie driving you home listening and noding.
"We will start with the thumb tac punishment and when he fais as we pull them out we shove salt in the open wounds. Then we rally the guys and we smoke till his wists are burnt past repair. Then we give him a solid beating. And tomorrow. When he is tender all over I bring in the other stuff" Charlie said thinking over what informatin he was given. Arriving home Charlie grabs your father out of the trunk and hauls him up stairs. "Hey kiddo" you hear from one of the other rooms as you walked down the hall way to your room. You go to the voice to find its Kurlzz. "We moved your bed out of the 'spare room' into mine and Dannys." He stated. "Seeing how the spare room is pretty lonely and danny and I have the biggest room in the house" Inviting you in to look around you see one half is painted red and the other half is a metallic gold color. "Wow this is so cool!" You eclaim in amazement. It was a very organized room with one bed one dresser and some other stuff on ceach side like a mini fridge and a microwave oven dead in the middle. And on the other end you see your bed the head of it against the wall and the on the foot of the bed there was a small three drawer dresser. "Oh and while Johnny and Kurlzz were moving stuff around I went out and got you some new clothes 5 t shirts one red one black one blue one white and a green. And a pajama set and five pairs of pants and five paors of boxers and socks. And new shoes cuz the ones you are wearing look a little worn out. "Thankyou so so so so very much guys!" You said running up to them and hugging their legs.

Charlie x male child readerWhere stories live. Discover now