My Feelings

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My Feelings

You abandoned me.
Did my cute little fingers scare you off?

I was just an infant when you vanished into thin air
Even a stray  has strong instinct to protect its newborn 
But you felt none.

I feel like a drain
With a pool of stagnant water
And flies all over my body.

I feel like a ship
That doesn't know where to dock
And fear of sinking.

I feel like a kite
Whose string has gone loose
Swaying freely in the sky like a ghost.

I feel like a bird
Whose wings are injured
And unable to fly.

I made friends with the gorgeous waves
That helped me float
But they ended up swallowing me.

I'm not camouflaged against natural predators
Harmful tigers are roaring at me
Probably I'm their next prey.

You made everything difficult for me
Uneasy to move around freely
Cold stares wherever I go.

And yet
I want to feel your love.


Thank you for all of those who stop by to read this simple poem.  Let me know what you think of it. Huge hanks to @Scarlet_Shilouette for the amazing cover.

Your amateur poet,

Alanna 💖 

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