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After we got to Madagascar The soldiers went one way and we the other, searching for something nice to eat. We found some and sat down on a bench that gave us a nice view of the island. We'd bought sully the dog some random meat, who was eating it like crazy.

I didn't think that any of this would ever happen to me.

We found a small motel and slept there, in a nice, soft bed and I didn't wake up until 1 p.m and that was nice. Mom had gotten me breakfast and after that we went home.

We went with a small, local plane and landed at a small airport only half an hour drive to our house. We got home at 7 a.m the next day and went to the E.R the second we could get in our car.

In the E.R they took off my improvised cast and made an X-ray of my arm, showing it was broken in 3 places. They put a cast on in and we went home, Where Sully dad and Sam were drinking a beer and watching TV. "How did it go?" Dad asks when we enter the living room. "It was broken in 3 places and they put a cast over it." I say and I give dad a hug. "I'm going to bed." I say and I walk up the stairs. I look at my phone and take it off the horn when I see I have 6 unlisted messages. I start them and hear my best friends voice. "Hey, give me a call when you can." The first message says. in the second her voice is a but panicked. "Hey, I called you again, just because I haven't heard from you at all, ease calk me when you get this." The others all have the same tone to them. Straight up panic and concern. they all have the same words. "Cassie, where are you? you're freaking me out! please answer." I type her number in and the phone starts ringing and she picks up. "Thank God! Cassie are you OK?" She asks and all I say is: "You are never gone believe what happened!"

Needing Home // Cassie Drake // UnchartedWhere stories live. Discover now