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This happened yesterday. I plan to write a story about this. I'm describing this in a was that I will understand when writing. I know it's weird but bear with me.
       Maroon and white petals flying through a dark cyan sky. As my family drives in a blue car, across a glassy blue swamp. The sun is setting any my parents are looking for a hotel. They fine one. It had no walls. Just a bunch of beds in a ditch. I wandered as my family slept. An odd blue colored sky overhead.  I came across a blue colored rundown building. Similar to the swamp, car, and sky, a bit darker then the car and swamp but lighter than the sky. It had no windows. it was tall and had a rusty look to it. Yet, it didn't have a speck of rust. I reached the top, there was a beautiful light sky blue portal. I went through.

(Sorta dream shift. Same dream but a kinda time skip)

    My and a group of people, somewhat my age, come down twisting blue stone steps. I see my great grandmother. My family called her, grandma joy. Even her doctors and friends everyone, called her joy. She passed away many years ago. We were on what looked like a front porch. One of my aunts, I'll call her snot head. (Snot head irl is an entitled butt!)snot head Is sitting on the floor next to my grandma's rocking chair with a basket of beads, and all sorts of things.   
Along were the stairs are there are bottles, of many shapes colors and sizes. After a little of talking, grandma joy, gave me one of the bottles. It was small, a dark blue and had a wavy pattern  at the top.

(Dream time skip)

Me and the group of people are stopping  a large bomb that will blow up space and time. And we saved the day! Then I woke up...

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