Tomura Shigaraki; Origin

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Tenko Shimura was a small child, when it all happened. You may wonder what I'm talking about. Well 10 years ago when Tenko was only 4, he got a superpower. It's not even abnormal to have superpowers, or "Quirks" as they're called. To be a hero is even a profession. And no, it's not like cartoons where a normal civilian suddenly gets superpowers and then becomes the world's greatest hero. No, in this story we are on the less heroic side, the one most people run away from. As you may have guessed, I speak of the evil perpetrators. Villains, like you call them.

See, when Tenko was 4 he got his quirk, but it wasn't a good one. It wasn't bad as in useless, but it hurts people, good people like his parents. Tenko's parents were heroes, who loved their son more than anything else in the world. But one night after his mom put him to bed, he heard arguing in the living room. Surely it wasn't his parents they never argue, they love each other. Curious, he got out of bed and went towards the arguing. When he finally got there he couldn't believe his eyes, no matter how many times he rubbed them, he couldn't unsee it. His parents, his beloved parents whom he never imagined saying one single bad thing about anyone, was now throwing insults and swears around like it was a normal arcurance.

Tenko didn't even think before he blurted, "What's going on?" The argument suddenly stopped. His father was the first one to speak "What the f*** are you doing here?!" Tenko flinched at his choice of words, and said with a whisper "Sorry dad...". Tenko looked at the ground, teary eyed and trembling. "Yeah, you better be!!" His dad bellowed, "And look at me while I'm talking to you!!" Tenko snapped his head up, red eyes wide looking back at his father. His voice shaking he asked "What's happening? Why are you angry?" His father didn't even hesitate before he grabbed Tenko by the color of his pajamas, and slammed him into the wall, Tenko let out a strangled scream.

Tenko grabbed his father's wrist trying to pry him off, but as the fifth finger landed on his father's wrist, the skin started decaying. Now it was his father's turn to scream, startled Tenko let go of his wrist. Tenko thought he would feel guilty but it felt oddly satisfying, without thinking he touched his father's chest. When he regained his wits he immediately let go, he was shocked by himself and what was in front of him. On the floor was a pile of dust and 2 disembodied hands of his father.

He looked up to see his mother slowly backing up before turning around and running out of the house. Tenko followed her out to the street, just to see her taking out her phone calling 110 in a hurry. Tenko noticed, panicked entered the house, grabbed his father's hands with four fingers this time and escaped before the cops came. From that day on, he promised himself to forget his past and live on as, Tomura Shigaraki.

(110 is the Japanese emergency crime number)

(A/N) I hate A/N's, but please comment suggestions on which character I next!

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