Part Three- The Next Morning

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You have just had the best sleep you have had in weeks. The bed was so soft and the sheet were so silky, it put you to sleep if you laid there for to long. You look at the clock.


You don't hear anyone moving, but you had to get up. You slipped out the door and walked down the hall. There was a door cracked and couldn't help yourself, you looked in. There lay Christian, spread across the bed, messy hair, sound asleep. You couldn't move and stood there staring for what seemed like forever. Then he moved, causing you to jump and scurry away like a mouse. Making your way into the kitchen, you decided to make breakfast. Getting out the eggs, bread, pancake mix and fruit, you got to work to finish before Christian gets up.

Everything is so new and up to date in the kitchen, so different than your place. You had a 15 year old stove and fridge with paper plates. Having a working stove, it took time not to burn the cakes, but you got it down. You finish with cut up fruit and plate it all. "Wow, Y/N. I...I.... this looks so good." Christian says in his deep morning voice. "I wanted to do something to say thank you for letting me stay the night.", pushing a plate towards him. You both sit down and eat, not talking much. You finished first, and started to do the dishes. "Y/N, you don't have to clean up. I have a maid that will do that." Christian walks up and grabs your hands, making you drop the plate and sponge. He pulled you away to the other side of the kitchen, "I have had a great time Y/N, but I have to go catch the plane for the game tomorrow. You are welcome to stay as long as you like, but I need you to see something."

He takes your hand and leads you to the driveway. There sits your Jeep, good as new, no dents, no rust, no nothing. "Christian......", you stood there in aw not knowing what to do. He hands you the keys and walks back into the house. You run after him, "Christian wait, I can't take this." "Yes you can, all I ask is that you go on an official date with me.", he looks at you with puppy dog eyes. You fall for his little game, "I guess so." Those words made him so happy, Christian leaped towards you placing his lips on yours. Soft, smooth, plump lips moving in sync with yours. It was a shock, but you felt sparks.....everywhere. He pulled away, "I'm sorry... I... I didn't mean to..." Christian was stuttering so much. "I meant it.", you said kissing him on the cheek and walking to your car.

Your whole way home, you couldn't stop smiling. You finally found someone who loved you for you. Every past boyfriend or fling ended with tears and regret, but Christian is different. You can feel, from just the little time you spent with him, he is caring, loving and down to earth. Arriving home, you lay in your bed looking at the ceiling. You think to yourself, I hope I can make this work...

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