Strange Love

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Some people seemed responsive to my Klaus/Raven(OC)/Moxley story idea so here it is, I hope you enjoy it. If you don't know who Jon Moxley is you don't really need to for you to enjoy this threesome, just know that he's a wrestler. (The best wrestler in the world IMO)
This is my first story quite like this so please comment and tell me if you enjoyed it.
Warning-Mentions of rape and abuse in a previous relationship
Jon's POV
"Just tell me why you're doing this?  I've never seen you before in my life, never hurt you, killed anyone you love?"  I shook my head at the mans question, feeling kind of bad for my part in this.  "Then why help them kill me?  I'm sure what they told you isn't the whole truth-"

"They didn't tell me anything about you, don't even know your name dude.  All I know is I came home to my girlfriend being harassed because she was the only human they knew that could kill you for them now that Elena is a vampire.  My girl is tough, but she ain't kill someone she has no problem with tough...I am.  Don't care who you are, or why they're doing this, I just won't let her."  He looked stunned by my answer, almost like he had respect for my choice.

"Have I hurt your girlfriend?"  I shrugged.

"Not that I know of, I don't-"

"My name is Klaus Mikaelson, they're trying to kill me simply because I'm something they don't understand.  I've left them alone for months, you're about to stake me for no reason."  I held the stake in my hand and felt very bad.

"You don't get it man, I'm gone 8 months out of the year, these are the only people she has and she'll do anything for them.  If I'm not here and they try this again...I can't let that happen."

"Sounds like she needs new friends."  He huffed, leaning his head back against the tree he was tied to in the Salvatore's back yard.

"That's what I've been saying."  I groaned, sitting in front of him.

"She the one for you?"  I looked up at him, shocked to hear that question but he looked completely serious.  I nodded.  "I respect how you protect her, if I had something like that I'd give every breath in my body to take care of her."

"1000 years and you never found ain't lookin right.  Either that or you just ain't found her yet.  I thought I could never deserve anything like her, I was a runaway, a kid with shitty abusive parents that turned into a street rat.  I was so angry all the time, I've done too much fucked up shit and caused way too much pain to be blessed with someone like her...but here she stays, waiting for me to come home...I can't let anyone hurt her."  I truly believed my words.  Raven was my everything, she was the innocence and purity in my life that I didn't have before, I would kill for her or die for her without hesitation.

"'re Jon.  I've heard Damon talking about the asshole wrestler.  You're quite the handful for him, aren't you?"  I nodded.

"Sounds like Damon."

"I also heard him talking about the assholes slut of a girlfriend."  I met his eyes immediately and they didn't hold any deceit.  "They're not friends to her, if nothing else comes from this, get her away from them." 

"If you're lying to me."  He shrugged.

"I don't have any reason to at this point, you're gonna kill me no matter what, just protect your girl."  I pulled out the stake, placing it into his hand and clicked open my knife, slicing through the ropes.

"Go.  NOW!"  He jumped up upon realizing I was letting him go, and took off immediately, as did I toward the house.  I'm going to kill a vampire tonight, just not the vampire they thought I was. "Damon!" I shouted, walking through the back door and seeing the vampire in the living room.

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