Chapter 1

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"Okay, hold on. Don't shoot," Clint instructs his daughter. "You see where you're going?" Lila hums a confirmation. "Okay, now let's worry about how you get there."

Clint goes to stand behind Lila, her bow is drawn. He fixes her footing and shoulder position. He asks her if she can see and then proceeds to cover up her vision in various manners. "Alright, ready?" Clint goes back to the side of his daughter. "Three fingers."

Further down the plot of land Laura Barton is fixing a picnic table as her two sons play catch. "Hey, you guys want mayo or mustard or both?" Laura calls out to her husband and daughter. Lila brings her bow down and faces Clint.

"Who wants mayo on a hot dog?" she questions.

"Probably your brothers." Clint turns towards Laura. "Two mustard, please! Thanks, mama!" He faces back to Lila. As she pulls back on her bow, Clint reminds her to mind her elbow. She releases the arrow and it goes flying towards its target. It's a bullseye. Clint smiles and walks over to Lila to give her a high five. "Good job, Hawkeye." He gives her a congratulatory pat on the back and sends her to go get her arrow.

Laura calls the two and tells them it's time to eat. Clint turns around towards where Lila was heading. "Lila, let's go." He looks around confused when he doesn't see his daughter. "Lila?" Clint keeps searching for her, panic quickly entering his system. He pivots around to where his wife and sons were. They were gone too.

Clint jogs around his property, yelling out to his family. The only problem is that's they were gone like dust in the wind. What happened? Clint wasn't sure. Judging from the mysterious disappearance of his family, it had to be due to another invasion of sorts. Something similar to what he and the rest of the Avengers used to face when they were all still a team, before he retired and took a plea deal with the government. Dread was all he could comprehend. Whatever happened must have meant whoever was fighting the hostile had lost, but so did the rest of the world. 

∞ ∞

Thor flies through the Bifröst on his way towards Vanaheim. Before Thanos had destroyed his ship, he had instructed Valkyrie to get as many people into the escape pods as possible and head towards Vanaheim. He had promised to seek them out if he survived, and since he did, Thor went ahead to live up to his word.

It probably would have been wise to have told his remaining teammates where he was heading, but it was a spur of the moment decision. He was King after all; his people came first. Whether the Avengers knew of his whereabouts or not came second.

Thor felt himself touchdown on Vanaheim's surface and watched as the Bifröst faded away from him. He glanced at his surroundings and saw the escape pods littered about in a clearing not more than two miles out from where he stood. Thor wasn't near any buildings, so he headed towards the clearing.

Once he was within a three-foot radius of the congregation of pods, Valkyrie made her way out of a dense forest nearby. She looked him up in down, a flicker of relief spread throughout her face. "You look like shit," were the first words to come out of her mouth.

A pull twinged at the corner of his lips. "Thanks." Thor's voice came out gruff and full of conflicting emotions. Valkyrie was now besides him and flicked one of his armored arms.

"Nice getup you got there. All royal and badass. I'm digging the brooding pirate warrior look you're going for." By her voice, it was easy to tell she was masking up some pain.

"How many?" Straight to the point. Thor needed to know whether he had any more people left to protect, or if he was a King of one. One throne despising former valkyrie at that.

"Excuse me?" Valkyrie finally looked Thor in the eye—never mind, he has two eyes again—and realized what he was getting at. "A little less than half. They're fairing pretty well aside from the trauma of what's happened."

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