Family reunited

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Natsu: wa-zeref bu-but you died!
Zeref: natsu? You can see me
Natsu: Of course I can see you! What are you doing here!
Zeref: heh it's a long story
Natsu: oh no
Zeref: *sigh* hi Mizuchi
Mizuchi: holy shit. Zeref u dead
Zeref: yeeeesssss
Mizuchi: cool beans..... is Zera alive
Zekt: Mizuchi! You know she died-. Mizuchi: shut it Zekt no one likes you
Zekt: :(
Zeref: ok can everyone just calm down for a sec. we came to see mavis
Zekt: Zeref! Stop kidding around you know what happened!
*a wild mavis appears*
Mavis: Mizuchi are the you drunk again.
Mizuchi: mavis hi. Your dead ex and your boyfriend are back
Mavis: WHAT!

To be continued

Another short one this was originally much longer (and crazyer) but I accidentally deleted it :(
So I made this hopefully the next one will be better and longer

bad past..good future. Zekt(oc) x mavis Vermilion Where stories live. Discover now