➜ [2] My Purpose

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"With Stark robotic reversion technology, you'll be able to do just that," Howard Stark was saying on stage.

He pressed a button causing some fancy car with weird wheels to hover in the air.

Wow. That man really is a genius. I heard Bucky next to me mutter something, but I was honestly too star struck to understand.

I stared at it in utter awe for a few moments as Stark put his arms out showing his talent to the world. The ladies next to him dressed in skimpy clothing honestly looked beautiful and were just icing on the cake of witnessing this event.

Until the car dropped to the ground, making a sound signifying the failure of what could've been one of the greatest inventions of the centuries. A flying car.

"I did say a few years, didn't I?" Howard Stark joked off. I still clapped anyways, because my God, if that wasn't a historical event.

I turned around to look back at Steve and Bucky, but I found them both to be gone. Connie and Bonnie were still clapping, completely ignorant of the fact that the two guys were gone.

I left the girls alone to go find them. It'll be fine they can keep themselves company. I kept walking and came across some billboard advertising the army, as if that needed advertising.

God, every time I think of the army I think of Will in the army. My eldest brother only by a couple minutes, really followed by Karl. I like to imagine that Will is fighting some Nazi ass along with his unit and that Karl is in college getting his degree in biology working hard to become a doctor.

I don't really know where the hell I'm going to be honest. I always liked history, I guess, but what would I do with that? I could become a nurse in the army, but God that would probably involve actual science. Maybe fighting in the army, but that wouldn't offer any adventure, you know the one you read about in books of awesome fights and spies. But what am I going to do?

Of course I could always use the Shadow Force to get me what I wanted, but the pull might be too much. Mama always warned me about the implications and anyways that would just be unfair. I should be able to get things based on my own merits.

"Don't do anything stupid till I get back!"

I looked over recognizing the voice as Steve. I looked back at the billboard one last time and jogged over to them. I saw Connie and Bonnie standing there waiting for the two, letting me know that I was staring at that staring at the poster longer than intended.

I saw the two hug each other and then Steve start to walk off, but I stopped him before he could.

"Hey," I said grabbing his shoulder. "What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna try for the army again," he responded shortly.

"You don't give up do you?" I asked rhetorically. "Okay, well I'm coming with you."

"Wait what do you mean?" Steve asked. "You've only known me for a few hours. And wouldn't it be funner with Bucky?"

"First of all funner isn't a word," I joked. "Plus I don't know, there's something about you Rogers. You keep trying to enlist even though you know you're going to fail." I nudged him to continue walking down the halls with me, which he promptly did.

"Well I don't know if I'm going to fail," he said almost offended. "I can most definitely get in at some point."

"Well I mean at some point, you may annoy them so much that they just take you," I laughed.

"And that's exactly the plan," he nodded jokingly. "Well what about you? Where are you going to go?

"I don't know yet, but something adventurous, definitely. I'm not going to waste my life." When we got to the door we stopped. "Okay Rogers I'll wait out here and you tell me if you're going to kick some Nazi ass or not when you come back," I encouraged.

He jokingly saluted me and then walked through. I looked around trying to see if there was anywhere I could sit and spotted an empty seat off to the corner with a little coffee table full of magazines in front of it.

I walked over, sitting in the seat, grabbing the first magazine I saw opening it to a random page.

"Are you enjoying reading about... new assault rifles?" A older man with a German accent asked after peering down at my magazine.

I closed it quickly and peered up into the mystery man's eyes. "I hadn't even started reading it," I stumbled out. "I-I actually just picked the first one I saw."

"No it's fine ma'am," the man said. "I saw that young man that you came in with and before I speak to him I wanted to speak to you." He stuck out his hand. "I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm Dr. Erskine."

I put the magazine back onto the coffee table as I stood up. "My name's Sammi," I introduced shaking his hand. "Why do you want to talk to me? I'm not enlisting, if that's what you've come to ask."

He looked off as if in thought. "I actually don't know why, I just felt an inclination, I guess," he shrugged off. "Sometimes I get feelings about people and right now my gut is telling me to take a chance on you and your little friend back there."

This all seems a bit too random and lucky to be true. 

Mama always told me about how the Shadow Force can move beyond my body and can affect people around me, especially strangers, so maybe that's what is happening.

I took my hand away from his and just shook my head. "I'm sorry sir, but I think you're mistaken," I sighed.

Seemingly coming out of his stun he looked taken back. "Excuse me?" Dr. Erskine asked almost offended. "Well, that is a shame, young lady. My instincts are usually never wrong." He had started to walk away when I realized that if the Shadow Force was effecting him he wouldn't just walk away, he would keep pushing. 

"Wait!" I called out to him, reaching with my hand. "Why me? What credentials could I possibly have after taking only a look at me?"

"Well, I have to admit that I am not completely leaning on my initial instinct," he explained. " I overheard your conversation with the young man you came in with and what you said to him. You also seem to have a good feeling about him after knowing him for presumably only a few hours. If your instincts are half as good as mine then you're a person I would want on my team."

 "What team?" I asked getting more curious as to what he was talking about.

"I have a few colleagues who are looking for recruits in a special program," he told me. "It is a part of the initiative in the war."

"Wait so what would I do in this special program?" I asked excitedly. Maybe this is the opportunity that I was looking for.

He dug into his pocket, pulling out a card. "If you want to learn more you can call this number tomorrow. I have to go talk to your friend now, you'll be expecting him in a few minutes."

He promptly turned around and left before I could thank him or even say 'goodbye'.

My God I think I just found my purpose.

A/N: Hey guys, thanks for staying around for another chapter. I think Sammi is really starting to blossom into her own person, which I am super excited for, but also her and Steve are starting to gain a bit of a friendship, which I also can't wait to start writing. But anyways, I guess I'll see you guys next chapter!

Song: Carry You ☾ Ruelle feat. Fleurie

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