Yemoh:Steps Of Order.

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I woked up by the screaming of Adobea, our next door neighbor who was having a child, it's past sunrise I woke up to my normal duties when I was done I started to move towards the Aboomli(Garden), I layed there for a little rest then I started recalling the dream I had earlier today, I watched from a far as I saw our Hut burning I saw my Father fighting the fire then I saw my mum crying, I saw Ayi helping Papa. But none of them acknowledged my presence I turned back and started running towards the forest, I fell down at the Oracle of our village I raised my head to see a tall man in a white gown I smiled thinking it was an angel as I learnt from my people, No this time around the man I saw held the heads of my parents in his hands with blood dripping from both necks as in they being slaughtered. I shouted and now the man saw me and started chasing me, I run back to my village and when I reached there everyone is dead except my elder brother Ayi but he was seriously injured so I moved in to help him but the man was coming, I was able to raise him and hide with him. But the man found us and had his sword in his hand ready to kill the two of us, as he raised his sword,'Awo' called me bringing me back to my senses .I Sat down for a while and started making my way towards our Hut.

Awo was preparing our lunch, she asked me to fetch her some firewood from the store room. Everything went cool throughout out the day till night falls.

I was alarmed as I was alone walking in the dark, I heard noises from trees as I pass by. I stopped when I heard footsteps, I looked back but I saw no body then I started walking again, I heard footsteps again and this time around it was very close, before I could turn my neck a voice came in and said;"Yemoh save your people else only one man will destroy your entire village and generation", I voiced out and said; who are u and what should I save them from, the voice answered saying;"If u are a king, u were crowned by your people and not yourself"i did not understand so I asked again;Tell me what we've done wrong against u, but the voice never replied again. I was shocked as I took my heels and headed for the market. It was night and the market square was filled with a lot of people I went to See 'Atswei' the girl of my dreams, she was already looking for me. She run and hugged as she set her eyes on me, I looked straight into her eyes, it was grooming like that of the stars above us, her face was beamed with smile as she held my hand and walked with me to the market square, we had a long chat and soon she was dozing off, I took her home and promised to see her the next day. I left Atswei's place and was already on my way going home, When I met a creature I have never seen before but heard of them "dwarfs" so short in height, I passed by as I try to ignore him and then he laughed and said;"don't keep everything to yourself and if u want to do that too then be prepared to fight for your village", as he disappeared into thin air, I was afraid I run home and went straight to bed refusing to take my supper.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2014 ⏰

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