The Fall

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Warnings~ ENDGAME SPOILERS!! Also pretty sad

It's finally May 12th! I wrote so many fanfics for after Endgame that I've had nothing to publish! I'm sorry for the wait!

Enjoy and I'm sorry for any sadness!


For as long as she cared to remember, wiping out the red in her ledger had been her main goal. Whatever it took to save as many people as possible, that's what she would do.

The people she'd killed in her past couldn't be brought back. They couldn't go home and kiss their spouses and play with their kids. She'd accepted long ago that they couldn't be helped.

But all those gone now, half of the universe. Half of her world and half of her team, her family. Well, now she could finally help them.

But only if she secured Clint. She couldn't do this if he didn't get out of her way. He was too kindhearted for his own good. And right now, it looked as if that was going to kill him.

Her heart hadn't stopped pounding since they'd left Earth. Space was new terrain, she didn't know which of her skills would be useful here. She didn't like not knowing.

The floating red man had been a reminder to her, her ledger was more red now then ever before. All the people that had dusted. She couldn't stop that, and she wasn't about to forget it.

Clint sprang into the air, and with no hesitation she leaped after him. His family needed him. She had no one, she was expendable.

She grabbed him and aimed a Widow's Bite at the cliff side. A sturdy rope hooked into place, and she connected it to Clint's belt. Then they hung, her hand was slipping, but he clutched her hard.

"Let me go."

It wasn't a command, it wasn't a suggestion, she was begging. By the look in his eyes, she knew that he understood the gravity of her words.

"No, No!"

She stared sadly up at him, the memories of when he'd helped her start her new life, of all the missions and off days. Of meeting his family and of Budapest. Tears sprang to her eyes.


His grip was slipping, and so was hers. It felt like bricks were tied to the ends of her feet, pulling her down to the ground.

"No- Nat..."

There were too many tears, this wasn't sad. She was helping the world. If she didn't get herself out of his grip now, she'd be tempted to shoot another rope to the wall.

She wanted to say something to him, anything that could reassure him that she was going to be okay, but she couldn't. If space was bad and undiscovered territory, then death was so much worse.

She kicked off the cliff, twisting out of Clint's grip as she rocketed out and away from the wall. There wasn't any going back. This was her last sacrifice, the last way to clean her ledger.

Her training had taught her how to fall from unimaginable heights, how to land safely and survive. But her entire goal was to die here. If she lived, they wouldn't accomplish anything.

Landing feet first was safest, so she lowered her head and felt her legs fly out behind her. Rolling upon impact helped distribute the force, so she held her arms out to the sides in an effort to stop her instincts.

The world was muted, any sound she heard was far away and distant. The screams of Clint, wind rushing passed her, and her own weak breathing. She couldn't hear any of it, the world was too quiet. Her eyes watered to the point where she couldn't see, everything was blurry.

She turned to look at the hazy sun. This planet was plagued by dust and wind. There wasn't much to see, but it was beautiful for her.

She was falling fast. Time didn't slow down, it didn't let her think. It took and it took and it took. It took her breath away, it took her tears away, and it took her soul away. And when she hit the ground, the last thing she heard was her best friend screaming through clenched teeth, and her own head hitting stone.

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