Chapter Eight.

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Chapter eight

Liam parked the car in the small car park next to the restaurant. He told me the car belongs to his dad. He was wearing a black shirt, dark jeans and combat boots. I had my mom’s cream skinny jeans on, the cream wedges and her light demin jacket on.

We walked inside where the hostess smiled at us. “Table for two?” She asked. Liam nodded, she handed over two menus before leading us to a small table at the back. “Your waiter will be over soon.”

She left us after that. I looked through menu trying to figure out what to order. The waiter was around my age, he flashed me a smile and it fell off his face when he noticed Liam’s raised eyebrow.

“I’ll have the chicken, instead of chips I’d like a salad,” I told him, he nodded writing it down. “A glass of diet coke to drink, please.”

“I’ll have the steak, medium and just a regular coke thanks,” Liam said, once he was finished writing it down he took our menus and walked to the kitchen.  “Douche.” Liam muttered when he was gone.

“How is he a douche?” I asked and then I realized. “Are you jealous?”

He met my eyes and nodded. “Something like that.” He said, I didn’t ask any more about it.

While we waited for our food we talked about anything and silly things. We ate our food quietly glancing at each other every now and again. I told Liam to take the car round the front while I was in the bathroom.

I was coming out of the bathroom when someone pulled me out the back door. I couldn’t see their face as they had a ski mask on. I tried to wriggle free or scream for help but their hand was covering my mouth.

That’s when I saw the black van. I kicked the person and they let go until someone else grabbed me. The back door was opened, the one that had me in their grip flung me inside and I scrambled towards the door.

Desperate to unlock it. I tried the door, somehow I knew it wouldn’t work, but it was locked. I kicked the door and the side of the van. “Let me fucking out, you… Asshat!” I screamed but nothing happened.

I kept kicking and screaming until the van stopped. Suddenly fear ran through me, what were they going to do to me? I scrambled to the back of my van and gripped my legs against my body.

The door was flung open and Spencer grinned at me. I moved closer glad to see a familiar face when he grabbed my hair and yanked me out of the van. I nearly fell to the ground, I yelped out in pain when I felt the pain in my scalp. Hitting the ground would have been better than being held up by my hair.

He lifted my face to his and smirked. “You just couldn’t resist him, could you?” He snarled and I whimpered from the pain of him pulling my hair. “But you shot me down, what has he got I haven’t?”

I knew it was rhetorical but I answered. “A fucking heart, you asshat!” Spencer laughed and shook his head.

“You will regret that.” He whispered and dragged me into a warehouse. I tried to make it impossible for him to get me into the warehouse, the pain was getting me so instead of fighting him I tried to keep up with him.

A person wearing a pig mask kicked the door open, but it wasn’t the mask that got my attention it was the gun. I gulped as Spencer kept dragging me along, Spencer stopped outside of a cage.

He pushed me in and smiled at me. “It’s you who belongs in here, you’re a fucking animal.” I snarled and the door was flung open. A pig mask and a bear mask came into the cage. The bear mask held me against the bars while the pig mask chained me to it.

Spencer nodded at them as they walked by him. I felt sick, not physically but you know that sick feeling you get just after you receive really bad news or when you’re feeling really guilty about something? That kind of sick.

The only time I’ve ever felt it is when my dad left. The truth is I was the world’s biggest daddy girl, I remember crying and wanting to die when my mom told me he left. I know I said I didn’t care about him, I was lying.

I still cared about my dad so much, I lied to my mom, Charlie, Colette and Holland about it every time they asked. At times, like when Dylan and his friends threw those balloons full of red paint at me, all I wanted was my dad.

No one else but right now, I would gladly take anyone saving me. I was scared but as Liam said I acted fearless, I wished I didn’t act fearless. If I acted like a good little hostage they would leave me alone, untied.

Unlike now, I was getting hit in the face, chest and stomach. I groaned as he hit me in the stomach once more, I met his eyes and done the worse thing possible, I smiled at Spencer this got him angrier.

He back-handed slapped me, my head was flung to the side and blood poured out of my mouth. I wasn’t lifting my head, so he came to my side. “Everyone says, it’s freaky how smart she is. My theory? You’re not smart at all, your nothing but a stupid whore.” He sneered before punching my nose.

I wrestled with the chains holding me back and he laughed. I felt the blood trickle out of my nose, I so badly wanted to wipe it up. Spencer left the cage when two pigs came in, one wiped up my bloody face after putting a pillow and a blanket on a thin mattress that unfolded itself.

While the other pig unchained me and pushed me onto the mattress. I stood up and tried to get the door before they closed it. I was too late. I sighed and sat on the mattress it wasn’t comfy at all.

I pushed it up against the bars, leaving a bit for me to sit on. I folded the blanket and sat on, before placing the pillow behind my head. I listed everything I wanted.

·         Liam, I wanted him to comfort me and make me smile.

·         My bed, I needed it.

·         My family, I hated being away for too long.

·         My dad, he would save me.

·         Holland, she would think of a plan.

·         Justin, I don’t know why… All I knew was that he would help me.

·         To have never been the victim of that stupid prank.

·         To have Liam never be my savior of that prank. 

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