Chapter 1: A whole lotta running

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"Run" I screamed as I grabbed my companions hand. We were running from a werewolf on a rampage.

"Doctor! What do we do!" Screamed Rose, my companion.

"What we always do. Run while I think of a plan" I emphised.

"Dooooooctooooooooor!" Howled the werewolf. "The end of time is coming, you cannot out run it this time!"

"Have you thought of a plan yet?" Huffed Rose.

"Yes! Get to the Tardis!" I Puffed.

"That"s it?' Screeched Rose.

"Allons-y!" I remarked.

"But Doctor!" Stammered Rose.

"Just Run!" I shouted as I pushed her faster towards the Tardis. Then I whipped my head around to the werewolf.

"Oi wolfy, whats the beef with us?" I questioned.

"I came to give yoooooou a meesage." It snarled "About the end of time itself"

"Well too late, got to dash, bye" I said as I dashed into the Tardis.

"Let's get out of here" I rambled to Rose. "Where whould like to go?"

"Somewhere with less running I hope" She laughed

I guess today was just one of those day's when we do a whole lotta running I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2012 ⏰

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