Physical/Chemical Changes

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The doorbell rang.

"Coming!" Samantha Nutterbutter, the middle-aged sister of the Nutterbutter family yelled.

Samantha ran down the stairs past her little sister, Poppy Nutterbutter who was crumpling up old newspapers.

The door revealed their cousin, Zelda SandyCheeks. Zelda has on huge glasses that were too big for her face.

"Zelda!" Mrs. Nutterbutter came running over. "What brings you to our home?"

"My aunt - your sister - has to visit her cousin's daughter for her birthday, so I'm ending up here for a week!" Zelda stepped in and tossed her bags onto the floor. "Who am I staying with?" She smiled.

"Samantha has an extra bed in her room!" Mrs. Nutterbutter exclaimed. "You can stay with her!"

"Great!" Zelda exclaimed. She went to go up the stairs but stopped when she saw Poppy crumpling up old newspapers.

"That's a physical change!" Zelda exclaimed.

Suddenly the glasses all made sense.

"See? See?" Zelda pulled out a journal covered with leather and shoved it in their faces.

"I keep a detailed entry of anything science-related that I happen to scrutinize," Zelda nodded. She opened her journal and began jotting down. "," Zelda muttered to herself as she wrote. Then, she slammed it shut. "There we go!" She tucked away the journal and bounded up the stairs.

Samantha looked at her mother. "That's my cousin?"

Mrs. Nutterbutter gave her a stern glare. "Yes, now go make her feel at home. She's as much as part of this family as you are,"

Samantha sighed and trudged up the stairs after her cousin.

"Matter has mass and takes up space. Solid, liquid, gas are the three different states Matter has properties that tell what it's like! It goes through physical and chemical changes, that's right!" Samantha peeked into her room and saw Zelda dancing around and singing a ... science song?

Zelda stopped dancing as soon as she saw Samantha and awkwardly turned off the music.


"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go do something fun?" It came out more as a question than an offer.

"Sure! How about we go to the mall?" Zelda asked bouncing up and down.

"The mall." Samantha wasn't sure she heard her cousin right.

"Yes! My favorite store, The Science Club is there and they're having a discount on microscopes and I really need one!"

That made so much more sense.

"Um, sure." Samantha followed Zelda out the door and into the car.

"Auntie! We're going to the mall!" Zelda called.

"Okay, have fun!" Mrs. Nutterbutter replied.

Zelda jumped into the front seat and Samantha uncertainly climbed in the passenger seat.

"How old are you?" Samantha asked out of curiosity.

"16," Zelda replies.

"Oh..." Samantha can't wrap her head around it.

Zelda starts the engine. "Ooh! Car burning gas. This is a chemical change because when gasoline is ignited, water and carbon dioxide are produced!" Zelda pulls out her journal and quickly jots that down.

Samantha pulls out a nut bar to eat while Zelda drives.

"Food digestion!" Zelda exclaims. She puts the car in auto-drive and pulls out her journal. "" she writes.

"What are you doing?!" Samantha nearly screams trying to steer the steering wheel straight ahead.

"There we go!" Zelda slams her journal and takes control of the steering wheel again.

Samantha checks her phone for the time.

"Are we there yet?" she asks.

"Almost!" Zelda promises. "I just have to find a parking spot!" She swerves into a corner spot and jumps out, accidentally stepping on a can.

"Ooh ooh! I just crushed a can! This is a physical change!" Once again, she pulls out her journal and writes it down. Once she finishes, they walk down the sidewalk to the mall entrance. They pass by a group of small chipmunks frying an egg on the sidewalk.

"What'cha doing?" Zelda bent down to their height.

"We are frying an egg.." The little chipmunk girl said.

"...on the sidewalk," the little chipmunk boy clarified.

"Frying an egg?!" Zelda pulled out her journal and wrote it down.

"C'mon! Let's go!" Samantha dragged her cousin away towards the mall entrance.

They shopped around at the Science Store for a bit, then they went to Furryever 21. As they were leaving Furryever 21, they saw Samantha's sister, Poppy Nutterbutter precariously carrying a light-up glass angel. Suddenly, one of her friends bumped into her and the glass angel fell to the floor and broke into many pieces.


"Ooh!" Zelda dropped all her shopping bags onto the ground and pulled out her journal. "That was a physical change!" She jotted down.

Once she was finished, she retrieved her bags and followed Samantha out of the mall. They got into their car when all of a sudden, they saw a car run into a lampost, then catch on fire.

"Ahh!" Samantha shrieked.

"Ahh! A physical and chemical change!" Zelda nearly screamed. She pulled out her journal yet again to write it down.

"Yeah, yeah," Samantha rubbed her forehead.

This was going to be a long week.

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