Grace Field House

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A/N So a few quick things. I'm sorry I didn't update sooner! I went to California for a BTS concert at the beginning of this month and when I got back I was super busy. Anyways before you start reading I have a few notes so you don't get confused. If I write in bold, it's like narration. If I write in italics, it's a flashback. And if I just write normally, it's just the main story. If something is in (parentheses) it is a thought.

At six o'clock sharp the house begins its day with the ringing of a bell.

"Everyone, wake up! You're going to be late for breakfast!" Emma sits up in her bed and calls out to the rest of the children in Grace Field.

You've been living here for ten years already.

You open your eyes to see Emma staring down at you. "Good morning." You push her back a little as you sit up. The rest of the children scatter around the house.

"Good morning!" Emma quickly gets ready before running out of the room with you trailing behind her. She picks up Phil on her way out and starts running down the hall.

You're one of the oldest...

"Good morning!" Conny and Don wave at you as you pass them. You send them a sweet smile and a wave.

Emma pushes the dining room doors open. She sets Phil on the ground before taking a step into the room. "We made it!" She waves to everyone.

...out of the 39 kids who currently live here.

"Emm-" You start to warn her about Thoma and Lani who are rushing towards her but before you can they shove the girl forward. Emma stumbles slightly before turning around.

"You're it!"

"Come get us!"

Emma chuckles darkly. "You better watch out... I'm going to eat you!" Emma chases after the two seven year olds. You stand to the side, giggling to yourself as you watch them run around. Phil somehow manages to get on Emma's back by himself.

Your personalities, age, and the color of your skin all differ. You are not blood related. But you love them all.

"MOWNING!" Emma grins at Ray and Norman, who are getting breakfast ready,  as Phil pulls at her face.

You skip over to them with a smile. "Good morning!" You wave at the two boys standing in front of you.

"Mowning." Ray smirks at the two of you.

"Good morning!" Norman's eyes close slightly as he smiles at you. "Why are you so energetic? We haven't even had breakfast yet?" Norman sets the pot of soup down on the counter. Cherie runs up to hug him.

"How old are you again? Five?" Ray sets water cups down on the table.

"I'm eleven! The same as the three of you!" Emma sets Phil on the ground as she pouts.

"You're so mean, Ray!" You slap his arm lightly. He laughs and pushes you a little. You hear giggling from behind you and you turn to see mom walking into the room.

Mom calls you and Emma over. "But mom! I want to redo my entrance!" Emma rushes over to mom.

"But why? I love that part about you."

"The part where I'm five years old on the inside?" Emma tilts her head at mom.

"No, the part where you care deeply about your family. Both of you." Mom puts her left hand on your cheek and her right on Emma's. You beam up at your mom. "Now go sit down." Mom ruffles your hair before sending you to the table.

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