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i stutters and fumbled over my words, no sound would come out. i'm sure i stood there looking like a fish gasping for air for a few seconds before i gained the courage to simply brush past him.
as soon as i was outside i felt like i couldn't breathe, why was he here? i truly thought i gotten away from him. it was like the air had been knocked out of my lungs.
i pulled my phone and unlocked it to text my amelia and liam, the friends i was meeting today and george. he had some major explaining to do.

"george?" i angrily said down the phone after it rang for less than five seconds
"don't be mad" he said
"why?" is aid feeling exhausted
"we were suppose to be going back to Manchester but it worked out better this way"
"why was his in my apartment block? did you tell him where i lived?" my anger rose by the minute
"maya no! i wouldn't do that to you, i know you wanted a fresh slate. i don't know how he found you or that he was even in there? he's home now are you sure it was him?" he asked
"george i just saw him at the bottom of my staircase seconds ago" i had to contain myself so i didn't scream in the street, there was silence down the line and george didn't speak
"what's your apartment block called?" george asked
"sunhurst" i replied shortly. silence again. i felt sick, i knew what was coming next
"tell me its a joke" i said begged
"that's where we moved" he said quietly
"don't you dare say that" i said angrily ending the call. my blood was boiling, why. why was this happening to me. i wanted to cry, i was suppose to get to live my own life but i was still in the shadows of matty. nothing had changed and i hated it, i was angry.
i wanted to go home to my new flat, where my ex now lived, and cry. but that would mean he was still winning. i was 20, about to turn 21 soon, i couldn't let the 16 year old boy i once knew rue my life anymore.

i wiped my face with the back of my hand and proceeded into town to meet my friends.

"hey babe" amelia sang as soon as she saw me. she had beautiful strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. she dressed like an art major would, she coincidently was one. her blue mom jeans with black high top converse and stopped turtle neck fit perfectly together
"amelia!" i squealed pulling her into a big hug
"and me?" liam asked
"baby!" i said pulling them both in. liam has beautiful brown short hair with circle rimmed glasses, he wore blue jeans with a chain on the belt looos with a simple black t-shirt and bum bag around his shoulder so it hung just below his chest and clipped at the top of his shoulder blades.
"i missed you both so much!" i said taking in how much they'd both changed. they too met at the party me and matty met at, they were still together thought dnt why deeply loved each other.
"tell us everything" liam said interlinking his hand with amelia as we walked down the road into a fancy italian
"you guys first, tell me about uni life"
"it's great! i really love art" amelia gushed her face lighting up
"the sociology course is good, dense but good. i'm enjoying it" liam told me his face as happy as his girlfriends
"i'm so happy for you both!" i said as we were seated by a waitress and handed three menus
"now you!" amelia implored, i sighed. where do i start?
"well you already know me and matty split up blah blah, but in new news um the boys have moved into my apartment block" , their faces dropped and amelia's hand flew to mine to comfort me
"no i'm so sorry maya" liam said
"it's okay, well it's not but i'll be okay"
"we are always here for wine nights or dancing you know that yeah?" amelia told me and i smiled
"i love you two, thankyou" we all held hands for a minute and a couple years were she'd as i realised i had my best fiends back, the ones who would never lie to me or break my heart. they wouldn't fuck my boyfriend and lie to my face for months. i knew they were a key pet to getting my life back on track
"let's order!" i said trying to lighten the mood as we all smiled and called the waitress back over

"and call if you need ANYTHING" amelia told me as we parted ways
"we mean it" enforced liam, i grinned at them both
"i will and same goes for you two, take care and TEXT ME" i laughed as we hugged for the last time before we went our separate ways back home.
as soon as i arrived at the aletment door i saw matty smoking from his balcony, i ignored him and went straight inside. once i was in my floor i went straight into my room and locked the door. i put my bag in the coffee table beside the sofa and my shoes in the rack. i sparked up a menthol and walked to my own balcony taking in the fresh air and over looking the river thames.
i snapped a few pictures on my iphone before contemplating putting them on instagram. i decided against it and checked my calendar for tomorrow. i didn't have work so i had another free day. i decided i would spend it shopping online, i needed new clothes that were suitable for english weather.
i also made a mental note to talk to george, i didn't want to loose him over this. yes i was mad but i refused to let matty ruin another good friend ship.

Matty Healy // i think we've done it allWhere stories live. Discover now