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Abeke was kidnapped, alert Abeke was kidnapped.

Those who don't know what spirit animals are why are you?

Its prophecied 10 children will come with a dragon, elemental wolf, phoniex, fire horse, simion (a wolf with wings), elemental leooard, elemental hawk, elemental falcon, and a cat, (WARNINH DO NOT DOUBT THE CAT) These children are not normal they have redgest blood, somehow summoning mythical animals.

Will you be it?

Extra: Pm me to be a redgest

Powers for the animals and boosted*-*


Cat: control all felines if you touch unless it wants you to touch it without turning into sand you turn to sand, can't control elemental leopard or uraza, 

Boost from cat: Graceful, sleep, DEATH GLARE (you don't die it juat... *Shudders* scary*

spirit partner:open

NAME: open

Talisman power: turn to a cat and same all powers


Dragon: fire,ice, earth, air,powerful wings, poison

Boost from dragon: Not really none unless you count unbreakable skin, still can kill thou

Spirit partner: me (Auroa)

Dragon's name: Storm

Tailsmen powers: turn to Dragon and do same things


Elemental wolf: fire, ice, air, earth, Poison, speed

Boost: good sense of hearing, 

Spirit partner: Syora @Swiftstar95

Name: Oskia 

Tailsman: turn to wolf and all that yadayada


You all got it? If you want more info on a spirit animal pm me

Guys hate your kindles, it unsaved my work,,,,,,,,,  

Do your form




Originated: if your redgest do Amaya (pm to be reggest)

spirit animal:


Where is mark:

spirit animal personality:

Spirit animal appearance:



Weapens prefer:

Spirit animal: 


Ex down below


Name: Aurora

Personality: sweet, shy, Unknown, weird, yet ing braver becahse of dragon

Appearances: a young girl with fizzy red hair and deep brown eyes

Originated: amaya (redgest)

Spirit animal: dragon

Side: Thinks on greencloaks (one of the flower petal dipped in the nectar can control you if drink like she did)

Where is mark: chest (Has not master passive)

Spirit animal personality: Protective, brave, restless, complete opposite of shy

Spirit animal personality: one horn black one horn white claws have pattern of black white black black white while her scales are muilti and looks like a galaxy

Gender: Both girls


1. No killing without permission unless it no ones oc and ramdom person with no one playing it

2. No overpower YES I know the mythical creatures are overpowered so are the tailsmen B.u.t. They have redgest blood! Ok ok I let a few exceptions slide through, vroses hateee water so lucky you of you have an water animal

3. you cant get your animal in passive so fast, wait time, unless you drank the wrong version of nectar I will allow only few to drink it I ramanied

4. For redgest you will find your talisman randomize (Urzaza has one, read my spirit animal story)

HAVE FUN if anymore rules tag me or pm me

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