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{After CA:CW. After Thor:Ragnoark. After Captain Marvel. After Doctor Strange. Before Black Panther. Before Sm:H. Before GotG:v2}

All across the Galaxy, various heroes of all kinds were suddenly taken.

Stephen Strange and Wo from the New York Sector during training. Thor, Loki and Bruce from the space ship, days after defeating Hela. Tony, Pepper, Happy and Rhodey during dinner. Steve, Wanda, Sam and Natasha after settling into a new motel. T'Challa and Okoey from their flight home, along with Ramonda, Shuri, M'Baku and Bucky from Wakanda, Everet Ross from a CIA faucilty, Erik as he prepared his years-long plan. Carole Danvers from her trip to Xanders, doing daredevil tricks with her flight and speed. Scott and Clint while they were on house arrest, Hope and Hank as they built the quantum generator, Janet as she continued to her survival in the quantum realm. And the Guardians of the Galaxy themselves, along with Yondu and Kraglin from the Revengers, Mantis from Ego, and Nebula as she wandered. And finally, Peter as he was doing his homework (not from school though).

All of these heroes (well, most of them) were taken and placed in a theater-styled room, all of them tied to a chair facing the screen as they slept off the drugs they were put under

And hidden from view, the silhouette of a woman watched them from above.

She knew that if the others found out about this, she'd be in extremely deep trouble, especially from her.

But she had to do this. As the older sister of an Oracle who saw what will happen once Thanos gets the Infinity Stones, she had to do this. Yes, some didn't need to be here, but call her a fanatic for happily ever after's all you want.

Some people need it and others deserve it.

This has to happen. Now.

{16 Hours Later}

Scott was the last one to have woken up, but that didn't mean he missed out on anything.


The fun was just beginning. At least for her.

"Everyone!" She spoke on the speaker, needlessly shouting into it. "Do not panic. I knew that all of you are tensed, scared, confused, angry, maybe even hyperventilating. But while you don't trust me for now, know that I mean you no harm. You are all here to read something that would benefit you all.

"You can not leave. The entire building is enchanted to be incapable of setting you free. You can go through any door, or window, or ventilation system (I'm looking at you, Hawkeye), but once you step outside, you will be placed somewhere else in the building.

"You also do not need to worry about whatever projects some of you have when I took you. Outside of this building, time has completely stopped. I will only resume it once we have completed what I brought you all for.

"Food, drinks and sleeping areas have been arranged. Your weapons are off your person, and for the individuals who use magic or have genetically enchanced abilities, they are bound and out of your reach. If any of you start a fight with fists and such, this building is also enchanted to stop one before it starts.

"I know. For all intents and purposes, I'm holding you all helplessly captive. But let me reassure you all one more time that this is not the case. I am only taking precaution. A friend once said that it was easier to beg for forgiveness than to ask permission. Truer words have never been spoken.

"So please, sit back and try to relax as much as possible, because what I brought you all here for will change your world and the way you see certain things."

And with that, Crystalla Melodious Holmes allowed a none discripted book on Wo's lap, the cover completely blank.

She hoped she could get halfway through before she comes with her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2019 ⏰

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