Chapter Two ~ Surprise Visitor

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But as they are comforting her there's a knock at the door. Ginny answers the door and gasps.....
"What in Merlin's name are you doing here?" Ginny hisses at the visitor.
"Well I heard what happened and...I was worried bout Granger." Draco Malfoy says addressing the youngest Weasley.
Ginny gasps, then let's the Slytherin in.
Draco walks into the sitting room to see a distraught Hermione. He sits next to her.
"Hermione, everything will be okay." Draco wispers quietly to Hermione.
Hermione falls asleep, exhausted.
Draco lays Hermione down, then joins Ginny in the kitchen.
"Why'd you come over?" Ginny asks, giving Draco a suspicious look.
"Well I had to explain to the cleaning witch at the Leaky Cauldron why my sheets where slightly bloody. Then when I was eating breakfast, I over heard someone saying something about this morning's events, I think he's an auror. So I immediately came over. For some reason I didn't expect Granger to still be a virgin, she's 24. But then again she's always been very reserved. You know you should tell her to stop covering up so much, she's got a good body." Draco says straying from the question.
"Oh Merlin, Malfoy. She was saving herself for marriage, but Ron has been a real Bastard to her so I too am surprised he didn't try to do anything before." Ginny replies.
"Yeah.....How are you and Potter?" Draco asks Ginny.
Ginny's face immediately falls, tears threaten to fall from her blue eyes.
"We do not speak of him in this house." Ginny chokes out, then hurries out of the room.
Draco, whose throughly confused, is now alone in the kitchen. Draco finds the coffee grounds and makes a cup, then he takes the mug into the sitting room. Draco wakes Hermione, who's been asleep for an hour. She graciously takes the mug from Draco.
"How are you feeling" Draco asks Hermione.
"Better, a bit sore though." Hermione replies, a rosy pink creeping onto her cheeks.
"So the famous, extremely sexy, Draco Malfoy was your first. Didn't see that coming." Draco says in a deep, slightly seductive, tone that makes Hermione's face become a tomato.
"I-I-I..." Hermione stutters not sure how to respond, Draco just laughs at her.
"It's okay Hermione, your cherry isn't the first I've popped. I'm just a little surprised that Weasley wasn't the one to pop it." Draco replies.
Hermione punches him in the arm then says, "He tried but truthfully I was saving it for after I got married."
"Well then I guess we have to get married Granger." Malfoy says chuckling, a smirk dancing upon his lips.
"Don't mess with me Malfoy." Hermione replies,frowning as she sips her coffee.
"I wasn't messing with you Granger.
The room falls into silence, except for the distinct sound of a glass shadering.
"What in Godric Hollow is happening here?!?" The sweet voice of Ginny Weasly exclaims loudly breaking the silence.
"I think Malfoy has lost his mind Gin." Hermine replies.
"I have not. I've had feelings for you Granger since theird year. Just think about my offer Hermine, I'll take care of you and protect you from that horrid Weasley." Malfoy says before disapperarating.
"What in the bloody hell just happened?" Ginny asks Hermione.
"No clue Gin, no clue at all." Hermione replies quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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