Chapter 6

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Cole's POV

"Do you think they found out yet?" I asked Kaleb as soon as he returned.

"I don't think so and this is not a topic to discussed around all of these people!" He replied.

"Let's head back inside so we would get a better view"

Karoline's POV

We sat down around everyone in a circle who was still here and bored. The rest of people were either making out or too drunk to walk.

I spotted Cole and Kaleb headed in this direction. I guess they were joining the game.

They greeted a few people and sat down a while after. I  immediately turned to see if Maddie noticed their presences but I guess not. She was in deep conversation with this messy brown-headed boy.

I guess things are looking up for her. I couldn't help but smile at the thought. After today's encounter with her cheating ex I think she is giving this one a go.

"So bestie aren't you gonna introduce the cutie next to you" a wicked smile appeared out of no where onto my lips.

Her checks turned a bright red.


"Oh right, Kare this is Dylan, Dylan this is my best friend Karoline"

"Nice to meet you I haven't seen you around school before" I pointed out.

"I go to Riverdale High, senior" he respond.

He doesn't seem bad plus hes making Maddie smile and forget her about her waste-of-space-and-time-cheating-ass- ex-boyfriend.

I smirk at them while Maddie elbowed me in the ribs. I pouted at her as the game started.

"Babe there you are!" James called out.

"Hey bae!" I reached out and hugged him. James is an amazing friend. When no one supported him when he found out he was attracted to boys, we gave him hope and from there we have been best friends.

"Jamesy!" Maddie gave him a hug.

"Girl, I have been looking all over for you guys- oooo are you guys playing Truth or dare? I'm in!"

He sat down next to me

"Karoline, truth or dare?" Evan asked.


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