Chapter Four

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March 2006

"Jacob why are you here?"

I screamed in frustration. He had been hanging around me constantly trying to get my attention meanwhile Bella was hanging around La Push trying to get his attention and he was avoiding her.

"Please Nat I want to make things right between us"

I turned on my heel and stomped over to him using all my strength to push him as hard as I could

"What us Jacob? There is no us, you made that clear when you left me for Bella"

He grimaced at the mention of her name and his head drooped

"I know Nat and I am so sorry but please I want to make things right. I love-"

"Don't. Don't you dare say you love me Jacob. If you loved me you would still be with me, what did you get bored with Bella so you thought you would give me another try?"

I growled at him. I could see his eyes beginning to fill with tears and it was making my heart clench.

"Look just leave me alone Jacob, I'm still hurting and you're not making it any better"

With that I turned and stormed away leaving him standing alone


"Honey are you sure you're okay, Daddy and I can cancel our trip if you're not well"

I poked my head out from under my blanket and shook my head at my mom

"No mom I'm fine I promise, just tired. You and dad go, you deserve it"

It was my parents 20th wedding anniversary and they were going on a cruise but since I had been sick my mom naturally got worried.

"Okay honey, I'll call as soon as we board and see how you are"

She kissed my head softly before heading out. Something was wrong with me though, for the last few days I just felt so tired, like I had no energy to do anything and all I could think about was Jacob. For some reason I missed him so much and I had the urge to be near him, maybe I could talk to him. To maybe try be friends at least.

After a lot of hesitating I jumped into my pick up truck and headed over to Jakes, it was pouring with rain and I wasn't even sure what I would say when I got there but for some reason I knew I had to go. When I pulled up outside his house I suddenly wished I hadn't, Bellas truck was parked in the driveway and I could see her and Jacob standing in the rain talking. My heart clenched at the sight of them together so I decided it was best to leave and as I pulled away from the kerb Jacob spotted me.


The ache in my chest was turning to pain and I found myself yearning for Jacob. I don't know why but I had to see him, unlike a few days before I was going to stick around this time whether Bella was there or not. I needed to see him.

"Of course she's here, what the hell is she doing?"

I muttered to myself as I spotted Bella storming towards the trees where Sam and his gang were standing. Oh shit this didn't look good. Once I parked up I got out just in time to see Bella punch Paul in the face, suddenly Paul started shaking violently then out of nowhere he seemed to blur and change, in his place stood a giant wolf snarling and growling in Bellas face. I froze in complete shock, was that Paul?


Jacobs voice caught my attention and I looked over just in time to see him jump into the air, his clothes shredded as his body changed into that of a wolf like Paul but slightly bigger and a different colour.

Breaking again (Jacob Black)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang