Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

We pull up to the campsite and we go to get out of the truck and this time I let Angel help me out. "You good?" he asks. "Yeah." I say. We walk up and see one of the other women holding a baby. "Hola Adelita." Angel says as he kisses her cheek. When he pulls away her hand caresses his cheek and I have to look away. They talk for a minute and she's telling us that she has a plan to take down Miguel Galindo. I look at her and say "You took his son?" She looks at me and says "Yes. His son is the one thing we all know he would give up everything for." she tells me and I just nod. She looks back at Angel and pulls him to the side and I see them talking. She leans up and kisses his cheek and they head back over to us. They walk up to us and she says "I have a plan to take down Galindo but I won't let the child be hurt. He will be safe." she says and I look and see her hand reach over and take Angel's. I can't do this shit anymore.

After talking to Adelita, we get in the truck and I let everyone get in and tell Gilly "I want up front." He nods and gets in the back with Coco and Angel. I spend the entire trip back to the other truck just looking out the window. We get to the tunnel and head through and I still haven't said a word. We get to the other truck and Angel says "Sit with me." I nod and get in the back with him and Gilly. I feel him put his hand on my thigh and it takes everything in me to not let the tears start falling. I just look out the front window on autopilot. We get back to Angel's bike and I ask Coco "Can you take me home?" He nods and Angel looks at me hurt. I walk over and kiss his cheek and say "I just need to talk to Coco. Be safe novio." I say before getting on the back of Coco's bike and we take off. Before we even get out of sight, the tears start falling. By the time we get to my driveway, I am all but sobbing. Coco gets off the bike and just puts his arms around me and lets me cry. When I get myself together, I get off the bike and we head inside.

Walking into the house, I tell him "I can't do this anymore." He looks at me but doesn't say anything. Just waits for me to continue. Hell, he knows me better than I know myself sometimes. "Any idiot can see he's in love with her. And her. She's using a baby as a fucking bargaining chip and he's so caught up in her that he doesn't see how wrong that is." I say as I start to pace and again, Coco just sits there. "I can't go on anymore trips. I'll still help get what you need but I can't make the trip anymore." I tell him. "You know you can't do that. You do and he will know something's up." he says and I look at him and say "Your point?" I ask. "Look, I know it sucks but eventually he will see what you're doing." he tells me. "And what's that?" I ask. "You sit and listen to him talk all the time about how everyone in his life chooses his brother over him. But you. You choose him over everything else. You choose him every time and eventually he will see that." he tells me. "No he won't. All he sees is her." I say sadly as I sit down on the couch next to him. "I give up." I tell him as the tears start to fall again. "Look, just take a couple of days and get your head right. We have to be back at the campsite in a couple of days." he tells me and I nod, knowing I won't stop going just so I can spend time with Angel.

Coco leaves and I am sitting in bed, with a tub of ice cream watching a movie when my phone rings. "Hola." I say, seeing that it's Angel. "We're having a party and you're not here. You okay?" he asks. "I'm fine Angel. Just sitting here binge watching Netflix." I tell him. "Want some company?" he asks. Deciding I'll take whatever I can get, I say "Yeah. Come on over." I hear a knock on the door and when I open it, Angel is standing there with his phone to his ear. "You were already here?" I ask. "Wanted to check on you." he says as he puts his phone in his pocket. I move to the couch and tell him to get comfortable while I turn the movie off in the bedroom and move back to the living room. "Ice cream?" he asks knowing I only eat it when things are getting to me. "Dinner." I tell him and he shakes his head. "Want to order something?" he asks and I shake my head no. I sit on the couch and he takes my hand and pulls me into his side. I lay my head against his chest as we watch the movie and feel myself dozing off.

Waking up the next morning, I am laying on the couch with my head on his chest and the blanket that I keep on the back of the couch is over us. His arms are around me and I just lay there, awake. I start to get up and he pulls me closer and says "Go back to sleep." I get up and say "Can't. Got things to do." I tell him before heading to the kitchen for coffee. He follows me in there. "You okay?" he asks. "I really wish you would stop asking me that." I say. "I keep asking hoping you'll give me an honest answer." I look down at my coffee and say "Angel, I just have so much shit bouncing around in my head and I don't know what to make of it." I say. "Talk to me. Tell me what's going on in your head." he tells me and I shake my head no. "This is something I have to figure out on my own." I tell him. All of a sudden his phone rings and I roll my eyes. "Yeah...I'll head that way now." he tells them before ending the call. "Club calls." I say and he nods. He walks over and cups my face before kissing my forehead. "I'll check on you later Bebita." he says before walking out the door.

That afternoon, Coco walks in my front door. "Get dressed." he says and I look at him confused. "You've barely been out of the house other than to go to the campsite. You need to get out for the night. Already have you a dorm set up. Come on." he says. I do as he says and pack an overnight bag. Getting to the clubhouse, I take my bag to my dorm and sit at the bar with Coco. "What can I get you Zara?" the girl behind the bar asks. "Jack on the rocks." I say and she pours me a glass of Jack. I take the glass and down the drink. "Keep them coming please." I say and she nods as she refills my glass. I down the next glass and then the next before asking for the bottle. She gives me the bottle and I head outside to the picnic tables by the cage. There's a fight going on between Riz and Creeper and I just sit there and watch. "This your way of working through shit?" Angel asks as he takes the seat next to me. "Nah. This is my way of getting drunk enough to pass out and finally make my brain shut off so I can get some sleep." I tell him. "I'm worried about you Bebita." he says. "Well, don't be. We heading out in the morning?" I ask and he nods. "I'll be ready." I say as I get up and walk over to the cage, bottle in hand and start cheering Creeper on, leaving Angel sitting on the table watching me.

I finish off the bottle and start to walk back inside and start to stumble. I lose my footing and feel a pair of hands catch me. Looking up it's Angel. Of course it's Angel. "Let's get you to bed Princessa." he says as he picks me up and I don't fight him. I feel the bottle being taken from my hand and hear Bishop ask "She drunk?" but I don't hear the answer because my eyes are so heavy, everything else just fades out. I feel myself being put in a bed and start to mumble about not being good enough. "Not good enough for who Bebita?" Angel asks as he covers me up. "Doesn't matter." I say as I drift off to sleep. Angel walks out of my dorm, confused and goes to find Coco.

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