Eagle ( shine) and decesay

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So srry for the start of a/n but I just want to say I will fully describe most place next chapter and what all the gods look like so this is to see if y'all want to continue read so yeah see y'all in next one my paws

The legend of eagle and Decesay

Long ago the world was plagued with winter
No seasons had come in a 100 years. The greatest gods had done everything they could to end the long winter. But couldn't end them.
Andromeda's son legend has a vision one day. As the god of truth and prophecy himself. His prophecy sated the one who shines brighter than the largest stars that shines in this great night sky that andromeda created. shall being the seasons of heat and cool once again. and shall end this long winter season.

As one night long ago the young wolf eagle was dieing of a disease that the medicine Wolfes could not treat. The state of her was dire. Decesay was assigned this first task by his mother to bring the dead to the gate. He arrived early before her time. As he heard her mother crying out to the gods to let her firstborn daughter be guided well to the gate.
It was only a few moments later that eagle soul was waking up out of her body. She was confused she thought that diez would take her to the gateway of happiness (basically happy place heaven idk it's just super happy) as Decesay was never said to the wolfs of the lands. Come eagle let's us go to the gate Decesay said. Ok she reply's. That's when Decesay first noticed her pelt was shinnying. he initially brushed it of as the snow but as they go closer to the gate it shined more greatly as she said after a bit of silence Wow you really how 3 tails I thought it was just myth! She barked excitedly. Yes I do he like her praise as no one praise his 3 tails. Is the gate big is it really made of space or is it gold? She asked excitedly still it's of space he reply's calmly.

he asks so questions to her. Is the water actually frozen? and the grass so hard it breaks under your paws steps? he ask as they continue walking yeah it is it makes it so hard to hunt. Will there be lots of prey behind the gate and will it be warm. I've never really felt warm she said as she quickly reflected back on life. and realized how much she miss her pack but how little the earth. We're also at the gate he said. Ohh who's guarding the gateway is it andromeda (god of spaces and planets) or Felipe (god of fire and sun) its andromeda right now but it's only about 50 years or so till the change out places guarding Decesay said as they where almost at the gate. he noticed how brightly her pelt was shinning. it was allmost blinding as he looked at eagle. Where at the gate now eagle this where we part ways He said. on the Journey to great happiness and peace. Decesay felt quite sad for the first time in his life. He quite enjoyed talking to eagle she could tell she felt sad too. But then he noticed how shook (were useing shook for shocked this my book my play my rules ok) Andromeda looked as she looked at eagle she Quietly said legend prophecy was true. Legend she quickly yowled. Yes mom legend relpyed. Legend looked shooity that wolf is the wolf I saw in my vision that lead to the prophecy. " The one who shines brighter than the largest stars that shines in This great night sky that Andromeda created. Shall Bring the seasons of heat and cool once again. and shall end this long winter season." He recited the prophecy of his vision. Eagle stood still as she was confused. Walk throw the gateway eagle said legend and as stepped she through the gateway as she did so that night. the land shined with brightly shining lights of all colors as Spring finally came after hundred years. And then she new here new name shine. As andromeda said you are the goddess of light and life and then. Decesay and shine left for his home to talk and play games some more.

This legend teaches the young that anything is possible any unspeakable can happen anytime.

Hope y'all liked it. If you read this thanks it means a lot and if y'all have any name suggestions I would love to here them because I'm not that good at coming up with them. So yeah I'm gonna make the next chapter tomorrow because I gotta sleep soon so I'm srry in the next one I'll describe what they look like and stuff and all the gods I made so far. I'm aslo working on how there universe started with something kinda like the Big Bang. Aslo does anyone want to see poems because I made a few and would like to know if people want to see them. So bye my paws go subscribe to nightshame I mod for him say crescent sends you. I'm Crescentpaws5000wolfspaws on YouTube if you see me there ok srry guys I just want to be a good mod for Night shame because it's a great community. So yeah BYE frens

i spend like 50 minutes on this
Hope y'all enjoy it
We don't know how to write so no judgement
Have bread y'all deserve it 🍞🍌🍞🍫
As here's what y'all means for those of y'all who don't know

i spend like 50 minutes on this Hope y'all enjoy it We don't know how to write so no judgement Have bread y'all deserve it 🍞🍌🍞🍫As here's what y'all means for those of y'all who don't know

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