It Begins

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It was a normal sunny day in California, Kat and I were playing ball together since we were bored and didn't wanna be stuck inside all day, all of a sudden Kat and I both see multiple Cop cars and other military vehicles coming down our street, our mother comes outside to drag us in.

We turn on the TV and watched the new,

"We interrupt the weather for a emergency everyone stay in your homes do not leave no matter what! There are humans eating other humans!!" and the TV cuts off..I was 6 at the time and Kat was 12, so I didn't know what was going on all I know is I was afraid.

"Mommy are we gonna be ok?" I said looking at her with tears in my eyes, "yes..we will be just fine" she replied with an unsure voice, "Kat go get the guns from upstairs", Kat nods and she runs upstairs to get the guns, a few minutes pass she comes down with three guns all loaded and ready for any danger.

We turned off all the lights just to be sure, we heard cries for help, screams..I was scared..I didn't know what to do the only this I could do is stay close to mom and Kat.

We didn't know what to do we were shocked, scared, and alone.

We waited..and waited, eventually we checked outside to see if the close was clear so we can get food, so far it was safe so we ran to the closest store and we gathered all the food we could carried and got home safely.

We were hoping this would last a few days but lasted quite some time, but there's a day that I will never forget the day I saw my mom die in front of me.

When this happened i was 7, we were searching for food when I heard female screaming, I ran to were the scream was, it was my mom getting eaten by a Walker, I was scared I didn't know what to do.

But all I saw after was a bullet through my mom's head and my sister holding a gun crying, she had to end it..I wasn't mad I was upset but no mad.

She took my hand and ran somewhere else, somewhere safe, we met a few survivors they took us to a pretty large group where it was safe, enough food, medical ect.

I was sum it up I didn't talk to anyone besides my sis.

"So what happened with the kid?" A Young boy asked my Sister, "..we lost our mother and ya..she kinda stopped working after that..I don't blame her it was my fault after all.." Kat replied to the male's question.

I say alone, drawing trying to keep my tears in. I did have gun training with a young female people say she's nice but I never met her so I don't know.

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