The Rescue

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Four days later July 20th

I ran up the stairs in my heels and pant suit. There were SHIELD agents everywhere. I couldn't get away from Fury quick enough to be here when everything went down. Coulson and his team, found evidence on Mr. X. They found that he was doing deals with an active terrorist group. I slid my badge over my belt as I finished with the last set of stairs. I jogged into the apartment, and glanced around.

"Nanny?" Said Mrs. X who was sitting near the office in handcuffs.

"Actually, as I tried to tell you before. I'm Natasha Romanoff, agent of SHIELD. Why are you handcuffed?" I asked her.

"I knew what he, Mr. X, was doing and didn't try to stop him. They are giving me some benefits because I gave them more information." She told me.

"I see. Where is..." I was interrupted.

"Nat!" Clint yelled.

I turned away from her. In his arms was Scarlett. I ran over to them, and she reached out for me all the while babbling happily. I smiled and hugged her tight. "Where is Grayer?" I asked him.

"He is with Sebastian in his room. He's ok, Nat. They both are." He told me.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I kissed Scarlett on the head, and gave her back to Clint. I walked off towards Grayer's room. I opened the door to see both boys playing on the floor. "Grayer?" I said quietly.

He looked up at me, and stood up. "You left me. Why did you leave me?" he said.

"Petit homme, I didn't want to leave you. Your parents fired me. I had to leave. I didn't want to, and I won't be anytime soon. I'm here now, if you're okay with that?" I tell him. little man

He hesitated for a brief moment. Then he ran towards me I bent down to catch him in my arms. We hugged each other tight. He started crying. "I was so scared when the people in suits came in. I didn't know what was going on until I saw Mr. Clint. What is happening?" he asked me.

"Grayer, your parents did some bad things. Now they have to be punished for it. My friends aren't very happy with them. But I need you to know that this has nothing to do with them firing me. They did this on their own. Okay?" I told him.

He nodded his head, and pulled away from me. "Nanny?"

"Call me, Nat, okay Petit homme?" I tell him. "And what is it?" little man

He nodded again, "Nat, if you weren't ever my nanny, and your friends found out what would happen to us?"

"I don't know, buddy. Although I was your nanny, and I love you and your sister very much. Clint, Sebastian, and I would like for the two of you to become a part of our family." I said.

"So, you and Mr. Clint would be my parents?" He asked.

"Not unless that is what you want us to be. We would take you in, care for you like you were our children. We would love you, do things with you, and be there for you. But you don't ever have to call us mom and dad; we would simply just be the people that look after you. We understand, when we adopted Sebastian it took him a few months to call us that."

"I want to live with you guys, but I think I will mess up and call you nanny sometimes." He says to me.

I wrap him up in a hug, and pull Sebastian in to the hug as well. "Agent Romanoff?" said a voice from behind me.

"Yes," I said pulling away from the boys.

"Um we need you to talk to the X's." He said.

I nodded my head, and looked at the boys. "You have two options you can come with me, or you can stay in here and play. I will just be in the living room. You may come in there at any time, okay? But I have to go to work really quick." I tell them.

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