Chapter 25

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Amanda didn't know what to do. Her little sister, Kim had shown up in trouble. She had gone back to using drugs after years of being clean. Tom and Rita heard her promise her older sister that she was going to get clean. They could be a family like used to. That seemed to set her off. Tears were going down her face as she felt angry.

"No! I'm not giving you anymore chances, Kim! I am not losing my job for you! Every time you show up, I almost get fired! I can't do that anymore!"

"I thought you were my sister. Mama was right. You don't care about us anymore".

"Get out! Right now! Don't you dare say that to me! Get out!"

Kim left not caring that she had hurt her sister. Amanda fell back on the couch as she continued crying. Hurt and anger. She was not going to let her sister ruin her life or threaten her job. Rita say down next to her. Both she and Tom listened to her story.

Her mother and sister were thick as thieves. She was the outcast because she had left Georgia and made something of herself. Kim was a drug addict with a criminal record, who didn't care about who she hurt. She had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and was working on changing her life. Until now. She didn't have a relationship with her family.

She then revealed that she had been raped by her former commanding officer while in Atlanta. Her attack had led to a gambling addiction. She had kept the attack a secret until he raped another young detective while they both were in New York. He was in prison after pleading guilty. She also accidentally shot and killed Kim's ex boyfriend after thinking that he was attacking her. It turned out that Kim had made the whole attack up in order to get insurance money.

"I'm really sorry for not telling you guys".

"No, honey. No. We're sorry that you had to go through those things", Rita said.

"Every time she comes back to New York, I end up getting into trouble. I could lose my job because of her".

Olivia was not happy to hear about Kim. Amanda had gone to her apartment after she had calmed down and told her what was going on to get ahead of it. Since she had been honest with her, she agreed to keep an eye out. How did she find out that she was back?

"She somehow found out where I was. I told her that she couldn't be there because it wasn't my apartment. She looked high on something. I got pissed off that she was using again".

"Where were you?"

"With Tom and Rita at their apartment. I don't know how she found out. I absolutely do not want her around the girls. They don't need to know about her".

She nodded. "I definitely agree. I'm not happy that she's here but I appreciate you coming over and telling me. Please let us know how we can help keep the girls safe".

"I'll talk to Tom and Rita again".

"Would it be ok if I talked to them? That way you can focus on your situation".

"That would be great".

Peter was in his office after everyone had gone home. He was hard at work and had completely lost track of time.

Asher had started his transformation from Honor to Asher by getting his hair cut. His beautiful dark brown hair was cut off. It had gone from shoulder length to a mid skin fade with bangs. Rita could not believe how it turned out! He looked very handsome! She had given her opinions but in the end, she left it up to him and the stylist. Tom also agreed that he looked stylish. This made him laugh.

Peter looked at the clock. It was seven in the evening. He was about to start getting his stuff together when he heard a knock coming from the other side of the door.

"It's open", he shouted.

Sonny. He walked in and came over to his desk. It was obvious what he wanted. He had been avoiding him and he knew it. Now, he was cornered and the topic couldn't be avoided anymore. He greeted him then sat down on the edge of his desk while Sonny took the chair.

"I know that you have been busy with Toni and Asher. That's why I didn't want to bother you. I was just thinking about what happened".

He nodded. "I was avoiding you because I didn't know what I wanted, except to be sure. You deserve to know. I really do like you. After Jaden died, I couldn't let myself fall in love again. I lost my family and my fiancé. I thought that if I opened myself up to a relationship with you, I would lose you too. I don't want to lose someone I love again".

He nodded. "I understand. I was hoping that it wasn't because you weren't interested".

"No. What happened was real. Being with you was real. I just... I couldn't let myself believe that it was ok. I'm scared. That's what I'm saying".

"I'm scared too. I have never felt this way towards another man. I don't know if I'm gay or bisexual or whatever. I'm not like you or Jaden who can be open and ok with who I am".

"You don't have to label yourself. It took me awhile to be open to being gay. Even after I came out and started dating Jaden. I slowly realized that it's who I am and I'm ok with that".

"I want to show you that I can be different. I'm not going to promise you anything because I'm going to show you".


He grinned as they kissed. Since he was by himself, he invited him over. I would love to! They agreed to meet at Peter's apartment.

Rita came out to Tom, who was with Asher. He was showing him the pictures he had posted on his Instagram account. They were pictures of around the city. They were beautiful and he could tell that he had fun taking them. When they noticed Rita, Asher asked if he should leave. Tom nodded.

"I'll go see what Peter is up to".

"Thank you".

When he was out of earshot, Rita shook her head. Uh oh.

"I just got off the phone with Olivia. She said that Amanda came over and told her what was going on. She also told me that her sister is bad news. It just reminds me of Jaden and Chester".

He nodded. "Amanda is like Jaden. She's tough. You can't tell just by looking at her. It also gives us an insight into why she's been hesitant about the money. She's had to do everything by herself without support".

She nodded. "We can help her. I need to help her. She's a part of our family, Tom".

"I know. I will support you on this".

"Thank you".

He gave his wife a hug.

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