Chapter 1

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Steve's cousin Danielle decided to move stay with him awhile because she was sick of traveling the world. She wanted to make a place her home and figure what was going to happen next in her life.

So the gang got together and they meet her at the airport.

While waiting for her plane to land Steve walks up to Soda and asks him a question.

"Um I was wondering if you could let Danielle stay with you guys awhile because my mom doesn't really like her and I haven't told her that Danny's coming home. I don't want Danny to get upset because she doesn't know mom doesn't like her and I just have to figure it all out, yanno? " he says.

"Sure buddy that's all right" Soda says.

"Okay I'll make sure she's cool with it and everything. thanks man" Steve says.

"We're here!" yells Two-Bit.

Everyone is now here but Darry and Dally.

Darry had to work and Dally went into town to cause some trouble like usual.

Steve jumps out if the car and starts running to the gates, He runs up to Soda and jumps on his back.

Soda gives him a piggy back ride until a guard yells at them to stop horsing around.

Everyone is standing around talking when all of a sudden Danielle comes running full force at Steve.

She drops her bags and hugs him.

"Boy I've missed you" Steve says giving her a great big hug.

*Danielle's POV*

"Hey Danny, how ya been?" asks Soda giving me a hug.

"Great" i grin.

"Okay let's introduce you to the gang" Steve says.

"This is Sodapop, you already met him" Steve says.

"Great name" i say with a wink.

He has beautiful blue eyes and he's just down right handsome.

"This is Two-Bit" Steve says pointing to a guy in a Micky Mouse shirt.

"Gang girl you sure are a pretty little thing" he says giving me a hug.

"This is Johnny and Ponyboy" Steve says pointing to two smaller kids. They both give me hugs.

That looks like everyone I think.

"There are two of us missing but you'll meet them at the Curtis's house later" Steve says.

"Cool" i say and we walk to the car and leave.

On the way home we sing to all the songs on the radio.

When we get to the Curtis's house everyone runs to the house.

"The chocolate cake is all mine!" yells Two-Bit tripping over Soda.

"In your dreams!" Soda says pushing Two-Bit out if his way.

Steve and Me get out of the car and start walking to the house.

"Listen Danny your gonna have to stay here for a bit. I'll stay here with you the first couple days if you want me to. I'm sorry you can't stay with me right now, I have some things to work out. I hope you understand" he says.

"Nah, its fine and I understand. Which ones are the Curtis' again? i ask.

"Soda, Ponyboy, and Darry" he says.

"Who is..." I start to ask and my question is answered when this big tough looking guy comes out of the door.

"That's Darry" Steve says point to him.

"Hey Steve and Danny" he says giving me a hug and Steve a push.

"So, Soda told me your gonna stay with us for awhile?" he asks.

"Yep!" i grin.

We all walk in and sit down on the couch. Micky Mouse is on the tv and everyone is laying all over the place eating cake and drinking beer.

I love the gang so far but I think they said there should be one more guy.

"So Steve you get yourself a lady yet?" i ask.

"Yep, I sure do! I think I'm the only one in the gang with a girl" he laughs and throws a pillow at Soda.

"It's not my fault Sandy had to go and move!" Soda says sadly.

"Sorry i brought it up" i say.

"Nah its okay I'm over it" he says.

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