Chapter 6

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"Well let's go do something illegal" Dally says.

So we end up shoplifting some stuff and have a mini picnic at the park.

"So does Soda ever call you Beauty?" he asks sounding protective.

"Nah, I guess he just slipped this morning" I lie.

"Good. Who's room are you staying in?" he asks.

"Soda's" I say quietly.

"He's not trying anything with my girl is he?" he asks.

"Nah, Dal" I lie again.

"Well we'll have to get your room changed because I don't trust him" he says grunting.

I look over at his hands and look for a ring. Damn I don't see one.

"Do you have a girl, Dal?" I ask.

"Yep, you'll always be my girl" he says and kisses me.

"So there's no one else?" I ask.

"Well Sylvia but I'm ending it with her next time I see her" he says.

"What if she see us together?" I ask.

"Then I'll end it right then and there" he says with a smirk.

"Well your worried about Soda and me when I should be worried about you and half the whole town" I say shaking my head.

"Don't worry, those days are behind me. You coming back makes me want to quit the things I did to forget you" he says running his finger threw his hair.

"Aw Dally. I believe you" I say lying once again and I give him a hug.

"Well let's go" he says pulling me up off the ground. We walk away holding hands.

All of a sudden a blue car stops in front of us.

"Shit" Dally swears under his breath.

"There are only two. That's lucky there's usually more. You can take one right Dan?" he asks.

"I've done it a million times" I say grinning.

"Well aren't you one tuff lookin greaser" one soc says.

"There's only one way to tell" I say and charge him.

"Hey!" Dally yells at me and he charges the other guy.

My guy throws a punch and I duck under it.

I throw an upper cut, probably breaking his nose by the sound it made.

He cries out and runs back to his car.

The guy that's fighting Dallas sees his buddy retreating and he runs to the car and they drive off.

"What did you do?!" asks Dally.

"Broke his nose" I say smiling.

"You're sure a tuff one" Dally says putting his arm around me.

"Let's go see the guys at the DX" I say.

Dally only nods his head.

When we get there Steve yells,"Here comes the hobos."

Soda laughs and I say," Look who's talking."

"What have y'all been up to, princess?" Soda asks.

Ohh he hasn't called me that one before.

Dally glares at him.

"Picnic and then we ran into some socs" I say proudly.

"So that explains the bruise on Ole Dallys face" Steve says laughing.

"Hey mann it ain't funny" Dal says tugging up his coat.

"Then why doesn't Danny have any scratches?" Soda asks.

"Well I broke the guys nose and he ran. I wasn't watching Dallas' fight" I say.

Soda and Steve burst out laughing.

"Let's get out of here mann" Dally says.

He grabs my hand and we walk to the  local ice cream parlor.

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