How to Learn Web Design in 30 Days

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Graphic designers, print designers, and creatives looking to learn something new or break into website need to quit procrastinating. Every day that you don't take that first step leaves you one day further behind everyone else!

Three main languages HTML, CSS, JavaScript are used in web designing. The first two are the base of designing a website.
JavaScript is used in designing things like fancy slide shows, improving website usability, getting new content without reloading the page, and many more.


HTML is the main requirement of any web designer. It is the imoprtant component involve to learn web design. One has to master the section, class, ID, input, lables and other concepts to get started with web design.

The latest version of HTML is HTML5. HTML5 has some new technologies, which may be the best way to learn web design in a more effective and easy way.

XHTML is also important choice, but its rules are more stringent. The websites available on the World Wide Web are mostly designed by using HTML as the primary language. It is comparatively easy to learn. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, it is the standard markup language.

In HTML, elements are represented by tags. Browsers do not display the HTML tags on the page but use them to manage and control the content of the page.

Useful resources to learn HTML.



CSS is also an important component to learn web design. It is a style sheet language. It stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
The language describes how HTML elements are to be arranged and control on screen, or in other media. This language saves more time of web designer.It can manage the layout of various web pages all at once. CSS mainly used to set the visual style of web pages and front-end designs, composed in HTML and XHTML. Add on to HTML and JavaScript, CSS is the foundation technology used by many websites to build visually appealing web pages, user interfaces for Web applications, and many mobile applications.
Useful resources to learn CSS.



JavaScript is language involve to learn web design. t is used to make web pages interactive.JavaScript a client-side programming language used to make web design interactive. Where as web design, JavaScript also involves creating polls and quizzes games. It supports all major web browsers, including Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari.Visitors from all of the above browsers can easily access and interact with Javascript's built-in web pages.


Responsive Web Design

While learning web design in 2019, you must learn about the responsive web design.Responsive web design is something on which we have to pay close attention to. More than half of the world population are using the internet through their mobile.So, it is the need of the hour to learn responsive design. Every new client wants a mobile version of their website. After learning the above-mentioned languages you must go for responsive web design.

The Tools You Need to Learn Web Design in 2019:

1. A Text Editor

A text editor for web design is actually an extended version of Notepad,notepad++. The benefit of these text editors is they appear with some extra functionality related to web design.

2. A Local Server(Semi-optional)

Sometimes we need a local server to display the output the code of our design.Apart from a web server, a local server can be installed on the computer to run the program or to check the output of the code in offline mode.This local server will perform the same functionality that a server can perform over the internet.There are many local servers available in the market according to the requirements of users. I'll suggest starting with XAMPP. The reason for using XAMPP is you can install it on almost all of the operating systems like Windows, Mac, and linux .

3. A Web Browser

Not all browsers have the same functionality and outputs.
They all have their little turns, and websites can look a little different in each one.

4. An image editor

An image editor is also one of the crucial, components used in web design.The web designer has to create and edit different images, logos, or icons. Many online and offline tools are available for this purpose. You can use Photoshop,corel draw ,GIMP, Paint.Net and much more tools for this purpose.

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