Poem | 1

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The one who holds my hand.
The one who supports me up.
Like a hard strong wall,
That I can always lean on.

The memories we shared,
I promise will never fade.
It will last in my mind,
As well mark in my heart.

The time I spend with you,
I wish was as long as it can be.
Maybe it's not the most perfect ones,
But it is the most beautiful that will ever be.

How can I forget about it,
When it's like forgetting how to breathe.
How can I forget about you,
When it's like forgetting the treat.

I love you my friend,
Maybe not as much,
As I'll catch a bullet for you,
But much as I will hold your hand,
And run away with you.

Live on without me,
Grow up and achieve your dreams.
Maybe someday we'll meet,
And with the usual, your smile is the greet.

How I wish I could express,
My feelings to you.
Not just by words,
But, by works.

But how can I do that,
If you're so far away.
How can I say hello again,
If you don't say hi.

Just to let you know,
You will always remain,
In my heart and in my mind.
And as the dearest friend of mine.

- AngelHeist

So, once again, I dedicate this to my bestfriend TopazGirl09, so Sam, whaddya think? Well it's her fault, blame her. She made me cried with her own poem so I tried to make her cry too. So let's change the topic first. Every five quotes I'll publish a poem, and that's my plan. That's all thank you and bye!

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