The fall of Shiganshina part 1

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Adelina's POV

I woke to the sound of geese calling out my window. I slowly opened my eyes as the sunlight cast a golden glow onto my bedsheets. I slowly rose up and stretched. Another day in shiganshina. I did my usual routine: got up, changed, helped mum with the housework...etc...

Me and Richard were going to see dad come home from the scouting mission today.

"Hey, big sis?" My brother asked me.


"The scouts are coming home today... So that means dad will be coming back too doesn't it?.."

" Of course he will. Dads a fighter, he'll be alright" I say, giving him an encouraging smile.

Richard always worried about dad. The idea of dad going outside the walls terrified him. I was always the one who would tell him that dad would be alright, even though sometimes, I doubted it myself. I was proud that dad worked for the scouts, but sometimes I wish he didn't. I know he's doing it to help save mankind, but me, mum and Richard need him here, safe.

Me and Richard approached the gate, looking for dad amongst the team. This was the moment I dreaded. I scanned my eyes over the crowd. I couldn't help but notice that the number of scouts had decreased more than ever before. Where are you dad? I began to let myself worry even more until I saw the familiar jet black hair...

"DAD!" Me and Richard called. My father turned his head to our voices. This was when I noticed more scars on his face, and a bandage wrapped around his eye. Me and Richard ran to him, embracing him in a big hug, almost knocking him down. " Your okay..." I whispered into his jacket. Dad looked at us both with sadness in his eyes. "I was one of the luckiest, we lost a lot of men today..."

We were on our way home, dad and Richard in front, me tagging along behind. I heard a noise beside me and looked over. "Adelina!" My best friend, Armin Arlert called out. " hey Armin!" I called back to the blonde boy. He rushed over to me "hey Addie! What's up?" "Dad just got back from the scouting mission, I'm so glad he's ok" "wow your dads so lucky! He's a strong fighter though." "Yeah I-" I didn't manage to finish my sentence as I was cut off by a terrifying thud that caused the ground to shake violently, followed by a crash of thunder and lightening beyond the wall. Everyone stopped in their tracks and looked towards the wall. Suddenly, we saw an enormous hand reach over the top of the wall.....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2015 ⏰

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