chapter 2

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🌸looks like my last chapter got jacked up but just keep reading and you'll know what's going on :) 🌸


💛Chapter 2: Monday Morning - not edited - 💛

🌸Sage's pov🌸

I woke up suddenly and looked outside. It was the normal rainy day in the winter time. I sauntered up and checked my phone. I had a miss call from Hayes. hm weird, I thought. I called him back and he said,"hello?"

"hey you called?"

"sorry by accident" he said and hung up.

I got in the shower and washed my hair and body. I got out and put on some leggings, a blue long sleeve shirt, and my brown uggs. I blow dried my hair and straightened it. I curled the ends in waves and I put on my usual make up. after I was done, it was 7:06. I had some spare time so I went downstairs and made some toast. I buttered it and sat at the island. Cameron comes walking in with no shirt on, again. "hey" he says and I don't say anything. "hey" he emphasized. "sup" I say. he gives me an annoyed look and he opens the fridge. "um after school I'm taking you and Hayes home here, but I have to go study with someone" I nod and put my bowl in the sink. I get a text from Hayes.

what do you wanna do after school today?? ~H

idk maybe just watch tv lol *S

okay👐 wanna ride to school?:) ~H

sure if that's okay *S

yea be there in 5 ~H

K *S

Hayes is acting really different today. it's really weird.

I wait five minutes then the doorbell rings. I answer it to hayes smiling. "hey" he says hugging me. his hands are lower to my butt. like his pinkies are touching the top of my butt.

"woah!" Cameron says laughing. we pull away and look at him innocently. "let's go" I say and we walk out the door across the street to his house.

(AN: they are freshmans in high school)

"So wanna just hang out until we leave?" he asks. I've never seen Hayes like this since he's turned kind of bad. maybe I was wrong. maybe he's changed back to his old self. I can get used to him.

we get inside and he locks the door and stuff. "soo.." he trails off. I smile and sit down on his nice comfy couch. I grab the remote and turn on the tv. of course a movie with making out is on. just of course. I quickly turn it and we watch sponge bob for 20 minutes. he gets a text and looks at his phone for a long while.


hey wanna hang out after school today?? :):) 😘😘

it's from Tori. I haven't talked to her in like 3 weeks. we were talking but I never really was that interested in her. but I like her though. I decide to not answer.

"Everything alright?" Sage asks. "Uh yea" I say. "Wanna go now?" "Sure" she says, cheeks red. I wonder if she likes me??

We go out to my car and drive off to school. We get out and she runs to her friends. My friends come up to me. "Sup Has" Jayden says.

"Hey" "You hanging out with Sage now? I think someone has a crush!" Jayden yells. Sage turns around and her friends look at me. I see Tori walking by and I run up to her and hug her. I had nothing else to do.


"Why were you with Hayes?" my friend Callie asks. "Because we're best friends and were neighbors" I say. She nods and we all walk through the gates. We sit at a table and I pull out my phone and check snapchat. "Are you guys gonna go to homecoming?" Cassie asks. "Only if I get asked" I say. "Wouldn't that be so cool if Hayes asked you?" Danielle says. "He won't" I say. "Besides he likes someone else" I say. "Why does he even like her? All she does is slather make up on her face and wear push up bras" Danielle says. "Tori? She's such a slut. Why does he like her?" Tori says coming up behind Dani. Oh crap. "Yea and just so you guys no, I'm being asked to the dance by him. So Sage, you can suck my ass honey. Bye bye guys!" she says and walks away. "Sage it'll be okay-" "Guys! I'm totally fine! I don't even care!" I say getting up and going to the locker rooms. Since I have first period PE.

It looks like this day might be a little harder than I thought. Except for the fact that Brandon is in my PE class.

hope you guys are enjoying it:) please read @meaganrichard s stories ;);) love you! ~London :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2014 ⏰

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