Unicorn Tears

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It was a peaceful day in the Kingdom of Bright Moon. Princess Adora was relaxing under a tree, watching the citizens of Bright Moon going about their day. The sun was shining without a cloud in the sky. Adora truly cherished days like these because she could almost forget about the war, her abusive adoptive mother Shadow Weaver, her best friend/adoptive sister Catra, Hordak, her friends from the Horde....

Adora shook her head. She wasn't going to let thoughts of her previous life ruin her day.

With that, she stood up and decided to take a stroll, letting her feet guide her.

Before long, she ended up in the Whispering Woods, the forest where she found the sword she wore on her back, met her two best friends, Glimmer and Bow, battled a monster, and became She Ra for the first time.

Her reminiscing was interrupted by the sound of someone crying.

Adora followed the sound, wondering who could be crying on such a lovely day.

After using her sword to cut some vines that were in her way, Adora was met by a shocking sight.

Swift Wind sat down facing away from her, using his multicolored wings to wipe glittery tears off his face.

Adora gasped to herself. Swift Wind was crying?!

The winged unicorn gasped as well, and took to the skies, bawling hysterically.

"Swiftie, wait!" Adora called, running after the flying unicorn.

5 minutes into the chase, Adora realized there was only one way she would catch up to Swift Wind.

Adora held her sword in the air and yelled the magic words:


She Ra emerged from the Whispering Woods, desperate to find her sobbing steed.

Adora thought of all the places he could've gone, her lungs starting to burn from running.

The stables? Not a chance.
The Crystal Castle? No way.
Or what if he went....?
The Moonstone recharge station, of course!

Adora facepalmed for not thinking of that earlier.

Before she knew it, Castle Bright Moon was before her.

Adora dropped her transformation to avoid causing any unnecessary panic. She went to her room, exchanging hellos with the guards on the way there to seem natural.

Once in her room, Adora grabbed a box of tissues, a disposable water bottle for Swiftie, and her reusable bottle for herself. She went to the kitchen, grabbed some apples for Swift Wind, and headed to the recharging station.

Adora climbed the stairs to the stretcher where Glimmer rested during recharges. This time, however, Swift Wind lay on it, bawling his eyes out.

Adora slowly approached the flying unicorn, careful not to startle him again.

"Hey, Swiftie." Adora softly greeted, kneeling by his right wing.

"Adora?" The unicorn sobbed.

"Yeah. What's the matter?"

Swiftie sat up, allowing Adora to sit next to him.

Adora frowned when she saw the dried tears on his face, and her heart broke when more fell.

"Awww, Swiftie, don't cry." Adora comforted, using one of the tissues she brought to wipe his tears.

"You'll probably think it's silly." Swift Wind sobbed, looking down.

Adora set the tissues, water bottles, and apples down, grabbed Swift Wind by the muzzle and made him look at her.

"Its not silly if it made you cry."

The flying unicorn sniffed and nodded in agreement with Adora's point.

"We were in battle. The Horde was winning by a landslide. I had gotten shot down by the Horde, and captured. But then you got captured trying to save me. By some miracle, we ended up winning. At the next battle, Lord Hordak showed up, telling us that you had been-you had been-"

Too distraught to continue, Swift Wind jumped off the stretcher, shoved his muzzle into Adora's lap, and started bawling.

"There you go, let it all out, it was just a dream." Adora consoled, running her fingers through Swift Wind's mane until his sobs turned into sniffles.

Adora dried his tears with another tissue. Swiftie took 2 tissues and blew his nose with them.

Adora opened the disposable water bottle for Swift Wind and offered it to him. Swift held the water bottle using one of his wings and started chugging it.

Adora saw this, and grabbed the bottom of the water bottle.

"I know you're thirsty, but pace yourself, ok? You don't want the hiccups."

Swift Wind nodded and drank more slowly, eventually finishing the bottle.

Adora finished her water bottle, ate an apple, and offered the winged unicorn one.

The two friends happily ate their apples while enjoying a bird's eye view of the castle.


Swift Wind turned at the sound of his name, and Adora wanted to giggle at the sight of his bulging cheeks from the apple in his mouth.

Adora gave him a moment to swallow before continuing.

"You can always talk to me, Glimmer, Bow, *anyone* when something is bothering you, ok?"

As soon as the words left her mouth, Adora felt Swift Wind resting his head on her shoulder.

Realizing he was just giving her a hug, Adora returned the gesture.

The blonde quickly realized that Swift Wind's nightmare about her getting killed by the Horde is not out of reach. Hordak could snap someone's neck as easily as Swiftie blew his nose.

Adora forced herself to calm down, remembering that Bow had explained to her that horses can sense the feelings of others, not wanting Swiftie to become upset again.

The sound of snoring quickly derailed her train of thought. Adora looked around, trying to pinpoint the noise. She looked down, only to discover that Swift Wind had broken the hug and fallen asleep in her lap without Adora realizing.

She gently ran her fingers through his mane, careful to stay away from his horn.

Adora may not have meant to lull him to sleep, but she wasn't complaining. A nap was the best thing for Swift Wind after all that crying.

"Sweet dreams, Swiftie." Adora whispered, gently kissing his horn.

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