Chapter one

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    Maie was petrified, it was the first day of 7th grade, she was home all summer playing games on her computer, she had little to no friends and she wasn't prepared to take on a new level of learning.
     She had just got done getting ready to school and was waiting to be picked up by her best friend Ella. Ella has been her best friend since birth, Ella was only a month younger. When they were little they used to live next door and practically everyday they had play dates. They grew up closer than you could ever get, they played softball together and there families were super close.
     Maie walked up to the door and opened it, she's was not prepared to head to school. "Hey Maie!" Ella said. "Hi" Maie said in return. "Why do you seem so sad? Where officially middle class of middle school!" Ella was always overly excited, and Maid didn't wanna make Ella think that she thought this was about to be a total disaster so she gave a short laugh. "Trust me I'm super excited" Maie said trying to make it sound true. "Awesome, come on! My mom's waiting in the car" Ella said.
     After a car ride that seemed to short, they were at school, Maie sighed to her self in the thought of a new year of torture, she only had last period with Ella, and she did not know anyone else. On the way to homeroom Ella and Maie split ways, Ella quickly waved goodbye and ran off. Maie slowly made her was to her home room. Last year she had liked a boy his name was Brian. She really hoped he wasn't gonna be there, but once she got there he was. She looked around just to get a good look at who was here. Next this she knows a girl screams her name and comes running up to hug her. Riley, she was her friend in 5th grade, they never talked in 6th grade but Maie was still happy to see her. They sat down and talked until a girl walked up to them. "Hey, I'm Gretel" the girl said. "Hey" Riley and Maie said in unison. "I was hoping to make new friends do you think I could join y'all?" She said. "Of course!" Riley said. Once the bell rang for first period we all stayed in the same class, our homeroom was the same as our first period. A couple minutes later a boy had walked in. He seemed to be a popular kid, turns out he was cause everyone knew him. Only not in a good way, they were all making fun of him, a couple acted friendly but not many. "Heyyy Daviddd" a boy in the class said sarcastically. Everyone laughed, but not Maie. He didn't seem to care about getting made fun of, it was almost like he was use to it.
     Second period and 3rd period had passed. It came to 4th where Maie had civics, she saw a girl that looked familiar, she knew she was friends with Ella but Maie had never talked to her before. At lunch Maie didn't know where to sit so She sat with the girl and her friend. "Hi, you seem familiar, I'm Macy" Ella's friend said. The other girl didn't talk. "Hi I'm Maie" Maie said. "Are you friends with Ella?" The girl said. "Yeah" Maie said in return.
     After lunch they finished 4h period and then went onto 5th which was Language Arts. That's when Maie met Jax, he seemed super goofy and talkative but quite when it came to meeting new people. They talked pretty much all of class and even got in a little trouble, the teacher could tell they were gonna be close friends.
     6th period Maie had with her old friend Cameron and her new on Gretel. It was math which was super easy for Maie. Then came 7th were she was part of a yearbook staff group along was Ella, Macy, and a girl named Jocelyn. Maie remembered Jocelyn from elementary school. Ella and Macy were close with Jocelyn but Maie never really talked to her. They were all pretty quiet and Maie was ready to go home, finally 7th had ended and it was time to go home. Ella's mom had picked them up and drove them home, as Maie got out the car to walk into her house, Ella waved goodbye and Maie did as-well. Later on that night as Maie was going to bed she was thinking about the boy in her first class. David. She said in her head. I wonder why people treat him so horribly. What could he have possibly done? Was he a jerk? Was he rude? He seemed sweet but I didn't truly know him....
Hey guys! This is the first chapter and it's not as descriptive as I wanted only because there is so much I could write and it would be too much haha, thankyou for reading this! A new chapter is coming in less than a week!

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