0: Prologue

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It was a dark night, darker than any other for the three figures walking through the thick forest. They were once on a path, but that is long gone. As they continue to journey, there is a thick feeling of fear that they are being watched, but they know for a fact they aren't. They then come across a small, comfortable cabin. The bigger figure walks to the door and takes out a key. The moon shines on it and silver beams fly off of it. It seems like someone can only see him in the dark, as he is very noticeable in the dark. The beams seem to not notice the figure holding the key, as if he were just a shadow or not there at all. But they do, however, hit the figures behind him. The taller one illuminated like a diamond in a bright room. The smaller one didn't shine very brightly, but not at all, either, like the bigger figure.

They step inside the house and they turn on the sun-charged lights. They are much more noticeable now. The taller figure was a woman with a tight blond bun and a pleasant face. She has a rectangular body shape that her white, modest dress didn't show off a whole lot. Next to her was a small girl with tan skin and was a pear shape. She had brown hair that was in two pigtails hanging down by her shoulders and bangs that were swept to the left side of her face. The bigger figure was, again, hard to see, but he was standing in a dark corner so you can see him. Apparently, you can only see him in the dark, but the other figures are easy to see in the light but not the dark. He was a very big man with a military-dad-like look. His hair was graying but he still was in good shape.

The woman knelt next to the girl and spoke softly, "Millila should be any minute. You'll be fine out here with him. Again, we are very sorry that we have to leave you... but we have to. If we stay here, they'll notice we're gone by the censuses. Then they'll find us and find that we've made a family together, despite the rules. At that, they'll kill us -all of us - on the spot. But you're 10, and should be able to get by with Millila."

"Mom, I know, I'm fine!" The girl says with a nice smile. "Millila taught me how to be tough!! I can catch bunnies and make food perfectly! ...Well, almost."

"Oh... I can't take this!!" The mom said and grabbed her daughter in a big hug. Her husband comes over and hugs their daughter as well.

Suddenly, a bright circular flash of light with thin blue lines coming out of its sides comes in through the door without even opening it first. When it's inside, it morphs and turns into a tall man. This man has shoulder-length black hair with red horns sticking out of his head. He's wearing a very classy black suit with a reed tie. He has shiny red eyes, but one is covered by hair. He crouches down and spreads his arms outward. 

"Millila!!" The girl yells excitedly and hugs him.

"Thank God you're here. We need to get going. Again, thank you!" The mother says and hugs Millila. The dad comes up and pats him on the back. "Thanks buddy. We'll see you in a few months to check up on you guys."

"Alright! Don't worry about us, I'll take good care of Neutral. But you guys need to get going."

"Ok. Thanks again, Millila. Alright, Bonum, let's go." The father, whose name is Malum, said to his wife and patted her on the back. He opened the door and they walked out.

"Good-bye, my sweet child! And you too, Millila!! Many thanks!" Bonum whisper-shouts while holding back tears - she was always the emotional type. 

Neutral waves and smiles brightly. Malum closes the door and Neutral stops smiling. She yawns and looks up to Millila. "I'm tired... Where's the bedrooms in this place?" She asks and looks around.

"I got to look around some before tonight... now, if i could just remember where exactly they are...." Millila said and opened some doors. "Ah! Here's your room. Your parents decorated it for you. I'll be sleeping in this one at the end of the hall."

"Thanks Uncle Millila!" Neutral said. (She sometimes calls him that because Millila and her dad are such close friends that she thinks of them as brothers.) Then she walks in her room and closes the door.

I'm definitely going to go catch some bunnies tomorrow! The woods have so much in store for me!! I'm gonna love it here...! Neutral thought to herself as she was getting undressed and getting her pajamas on. She laid down in her bed smiling and went to sleep dreaming happy dreams.

Wow. First (ish) chapter! Also, not a fanfic! Amazing! But... still not my original idea completely. Katlyn came up with the base and I just added a ton of details. (Thanks bud! She's also making her version soon. I think so, anyway....)

Thanks for reading!

875 words

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