You are the reason.

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Even as I fall I know you will be there to catch me.

If I get hurt and start to bleed, you will be there to help the wound heal.

If I'm crying I can trust you will be there to lend me a shoulder to cry on and an ear to talk to.

You are always here for me and I try to do my best to be there for you.

I know I screwed up.

I know thing are hard.

I know I'm not perfect in any way, but I try.

I fight the voices in my head that tell me to leave this planet, but I don't want to ever leave you.

I know that if I had never met you, I would have so many new scars I would never show my legs.

I know I would have ended it by now from the pain these people cause me.

But knowing I will be with you again someday makes all this emotional and mental pain worth it.

You are my motivation.

You are my will to live.

You are my life.

You are the reason I'm alive.

You are my daughter.

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