Did it hurt...?

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((Jeez, haven't been alive since 2017... Please note this is like a warm-up story to get me back into gear so some things might sound a bit awkward here and there. Also, I haven't really visited KHR in a while... Apologises for any mistakes.))

It was a hot summer day...

In the Sawada household, Tsuna was lying on the cold floor in the living room while feeling the breeze coming in from the open door leading to the yard, Nana, on the other hand, was in the kitchen making lunch for everyone.


Tsuna opened his eyes and looked over at the fully grown Reborn. Tsuna remembered the time when they were able to get the Arcobalenos back to a normal age (which was about the same age as Tsuna and his friends). It's been 3 years since then and now Tsuna's in university (after asking to at least attend university before going to Italy and being a full-time boss).

"Yeah, Reborn?"

Tsuna sits up as Reborn kneels down to the ground and faces him. Tsuna looked confused and wondered what Reborn was about to do.

"So... I have a question for you."


Reborn smirked and tilted his fedora up so they would eye to eye.

"Did it hurt?"

Tsuna sighed and rolled his eyes. He knew the pickup line. Oh, and just to clarify. Tsuna has a massive crush on Reborn after he went back to normal and was only 2 years older than him.

"Let me guess... When I fell from Heaven."

Reborn chuckled and shook his head. Tsuna looked at him with a raised eyebrow, now sitting cross-legged and facing him fully.

"Okay, what is it then?"

Reborn grinned and suddenly pulled Tsuna onto his lap. Tsuna madly blushed and looked up at Reborn. Reborn held him closer and leaned in to whisper into Tsuna's ear.

"Did it hurt when you fell for me~?"

Tsuna gasped when Reborn suddenly nibbled on his ear. Tsuna pushed him back and he fell backwards onto his back. Reborn just chuckled at the sight.


"Yes, Tsunayoshi~?" Reborn purred.

Tsuna just started to stammer, he then decided to up and leave. He ran out of the living room and went up to his room. Reborn could hear the faint sound of the door being slammed shut and he nearly burst out laughing.

"Oh my... Tsuna must be really embarrassed." Nana giggled as she walked into the living room.

Reborn nodded and stood up, he dusted off the invisible dust and started to head towards Tsuna's room.

"Reborn, remember to use protection~!"

Reborn nearly tripped over nothing as he looked back at Nana who was smiling at him widely. He nodded and headed up the stairs.

Did it hurt...? / R27Where stories live. Discover now