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          Million of years ago, there was a great war between the three sides that fought each other. Man, Witches, and Demons. Millions of lives have been taken, the sea was as red as blood, and the sun and the moon appears at the same time. The earth was a living hell. All of that happens because the gates of hell was opened.
           Seeking peace, three of the strongest witches gather and cast the spell to seal the gates of hell. The catastrophe was over, but the war wasn't over.
            By the wisdom of the Three, peace of the three sides was finally made. Gathered in the 'Aegis Sanctum' as witnesses, 7 kings of men, the 3 witches, and the two rulers of hell. They made an pact of peace called "The Covenant".
            Million of years have passed, the story was forgotten, mankind has overpopulate the earth. The world rulers form a secret organisation called  'Man of Order'. The organisation was made to slay witches and demons that still exist on the earth.
             Nowadays, witches doesn't even realized that they had magical powers. And the witches who have mastered their powers chose to hide like the demons.
             One day, a hybrid child was born. Half witch, half demon. She was named Ereasia. She had a big sister named Alice. They come from the same mother but not the same father. Alice's father sacrificed himself to protect his family from the attack of 'Man of Order' who attacked their home. The attack was led by Arthur Hamms, head of the witch hunter division.
               Alice and her mother escaped the attack and met Ereasia's father on their escape. He gave them safety at his house. His house was located at Mürren Village at the Walser,Bernese highlands, Swiss.
               Ereasia had grown up. Her magical powers were very strong. Even stronger than her sister's. One day, one of the villager saw her healed a wounded cow. The villager spread the rumour that Eresia's family was a family of Witches. At night that day, Man of Order led by Arthur Hamms attack their home.
                Ereasia's parents were killed, but the girls escaped safely. Before Ereasia's mother died, she sent a raven with a letter on its leg.
                Their mother told them to wait for help at the cliff near the house. Suddenly everything went dark. A tall and big dark figure appears before them. It was the Dark Lord, one of the rulers of hell. He may be known by a lot of names. The devil, Satan, Memphisto, and many others.
                 The Dark Lord offers them a chance to grant everything they wish if they agreed to help him. He wants to break the seal that sealed the gates of hell.
                  Alice refuses and recklessly attacks the dark lord with her magic. But her magic was reflected back to her. She lost consciousness and fell from the cliff to an Abyss.
                 "You can bring your parents and your sister back, and live with them in peace for eternity,if you would like to serve me as a children of the night, my child," the Dark Lord said.
                  Ereasia agreed to help the Dark Lord. Since then, she learned and study dark magics.

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