The game

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I sat on the bench and was anxious for the game Maddie was coming...and I was dreading that Annie doesn't know if not she would have been scared and freaked out

so I stfu and didn't say shit

I started to chew on my mouth guard anxiously and lilia tapped my shoulder in concern

"What's wrong kenz"

I loomed at her and spoke softly "Maddie is gonna be here with Kalani and I hope she likes Annie"

Lilia smiled"dont worry they will love her"I smirked and said "Sooo whens the love of your life showing up😏" I asked teasing her about harmony once again

"She'll be here in like 30 min she went and got me Starbucks she didn't want me to go get it so she offered" she stated as we looked to see Annie across the gym with Hayden and carson and Johnny. Jayden was playing around with Annie holding her hand and I got mad and jealous all of a I'm never jealous she got mad as I kept watching and as devinty handed me the ball for warm ups I threw it down and threw out my mouth guard making my team mates shook except for lilia,devinty,and lauren, and Sophia I used to get like this also..

Lilia touched my shoulder "hey hey calm down I know your jealous but dont get mad" I didn't listen but instead I jus started getting madder and lilia saw and as I was about to swing Harmony caught my hand

I looked at her in shock and I couldn't believe what I was abt to do she pushed my fist away and spoked threw gritted teeth obviously being protective over lilia "you need to calm tf down and not be swing on ppl kenz watch it look who you were abt to hit" she looked at me with a (fix it b4 I do look) and I looked Down and lilia hugged me and I told her I was sorry and she hugged me tighter and said "jus chill out" harmony looked at me hurt that I would hurt the one she loved so much I hugged her and she accepted my apology and she looked at Jayden and her jaw clenched she saw her kissing Annie's cheek my clenched to and I almost lost it...did I mention Annie is a cheerleader...a rlly rlly hot one too so that means that she is gonna be here my whole game with jayden🙄 the game began Harmony was already on the bleachers with Carson messing with her curls it was pretty cute Harmonys always been a curly head just like her sister...kalani (a/n:😱😱😱😱 bet you didn't see that coming hehe) as we were abt t start Maddie sat on the other side of the gym with Kalani on top and Hayden and carson moved to sit with them Harmony didn't think twice before she moved leaving the trio by themselves all Annie did was sit on he gym floor and Waited for them to start cheering she was watching me but I was mad at her so I didn't look and make eye contact as we began to finish up it was the last ten minuets and as lilia served I spiked the ball and we won

We started laughing cuz the other team was talking shit but all we did was do our little handshakes and we started to pack up when Annie tapped my shoulder

I turned and the smile off my face automatically fell she looked at me with this look...I- godamnit I can't figure out wtf that look is for but it is pretty hot. She spoke in a soft tone "baby are you mad at me or something?"Lila had made an escape while she could and she walked off with harmony to Maddie and Kalani I looked DTA her in the eyes and spoke

"I dont know its not like I didn't just see jayden all up on and kissing your cheek and shit when at the end of the day you know she stay liking you and all your doing is letting her get more attached and ion know why tf you think I wouldn't be made Juliana I like a lot i rlly rlly do and if I didn't like you I wouldnt care abt what jayden does she could tuck ng make put with you for all I care but I actually like you so dont try to convince me that I dont and I'm being stupid beca-" she was smiling it was the cutest shit ever but as I got cut off she kissed me and being the idiot I am I kissed back she wrapped her arms around my neck and giggled "you were jealous" I scoffed and smacked my lips "ya think I was abt to whoop her ass I almost socked lilia cuz of her" annie looked mad I turned around to see Jayden and Lilia arguing I got pissed and waked over and Jayden was in her face and I got between them and shoved her so hard she fell to the floor I automatically yelled "who tf do you think your talking ng to like that I think the fucl not try me again bitch" she got up and with tears in her eyes and ran off Annie watched and she started to run after her but she turned back to look at me and I shook my head dissatisfied

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