The Beginning

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So this whole story will be under Aleyah's POV


I was woken by the bright light of the sun blinding me. I was in a corner of an alley, home sweet home. I checked my phone, 10:00am. Oh how do I charge my phone, Internet cafes, genius.

I have to work now. Well my job isn't exactly normal for people, I sing on the streets, at least I get money from it. I picked up my guitar case and I have my backpack over my shoulder, great. I found a nice busy spot next to a beach and got ready to sing.

I may look really dirty but at least I smell nice. There was a seat already there so I sat on it. I got my guitar out and put out a cup for the money. I don't think I can sing but it was the last chance I had. I started singing 'Happy Little Pill' by Troye sivan.

"In the crowd alone

Every second passing reminds me I'm not home

Bright lights and city sounds are ringing like a drone

Unknown, unknown

Oh glazed eyes empty hearts

Buying happy from shopping carts

Nothing but time to kill

Sipping life from bottles

Tight skin bodyguards

Gucci down the boulevard

Cocaine dollar bills and

My happy little pill

Take me away

Dry my eyes

Bring colour to my skies

My happy little pill

Take my hunger

Ride within

Numb my skin"

I finished on the note and I didn't realise that I made a crowd. They gave me an applause and I bowed. I looked through the cup, wow, $20. That's enough for the day but I'm trying to save my money. You never know when I'll need it. The crowd went but two very tall people stayed. One of them was wearing a t-shirt with a bear on it and the other was wearing a leather jacket. They both had the same hair cut, a side fringe like mine but in different directions. the two men walked up to me.

"Hello." The bear shirt one said, he had a deep voice with a British accent. "Uh, hi?" I said, God why am I so awkward.

"Quite a performance you put on there," the one with the leather jacket said.

"Thank you," I tried saying with a smile.

"You like Troye Sivan?" the leather jacket said.

"Uh yeah, I watch his videos whenever I can find the wifi."

"Well we're his friends." bear shirt said.

"Really?! No, you two are lying, if you know him you wouldn't be talking to a twat like me."

"You're not a twat, I know even more worse people."

I stayed silent.

"Well my names Phil and this is my best friend Dan, what's your name?"

"Aleyah." I mumble.

"Wow, very unique name, I like it." leather jacket or Dan said.

"Uh thanks."

"So why are you on the streets?" Phil asked,

"Well, I would tell you but I'm not really comfortable with you two yet."

"Fair enough, so you want to crash at our house for a few days?" Dan asked.

I took a few seconds to think. Better than sleeping on the streets. But they can rape you. Eh, I don't have much to live for.

"Alright then."

I packed up my things and started walking with them.

"So Aleyah, how come you don't have an accent?" Phil asked.

"Like I said I'll say so when I'm comfortable."


We arrived at their flat after a million flights of stairs. "And here's your home for the next few days."

I slowly walked around, seems like a nice place. All these stuffed animals all over the place, I looked over to their dvds, omg their exactly like me. They have so many anime shows and manga I can read. Wow.

"You like it?" Dan asked.

"Hell yeah I do."

He smirked, " I'll show you to your room." I followed and and there were even more stairs to go up. "Oh for the love of God." I whispered, "What was that?" Dan asked with a smile as if he were going to laugh. "How can you survive this much stairs?" he shrugged, "it's the only exercise we get." These people are exactly like me.

He opened the door to my room, it's so much more bigger than my last one.

"Wow." is all I said. Dan left me in there, he said for me to get some rest. I fell on the pillow and I went out like a light.

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