Chapter 1 : THE TIP OFF

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^ Max's Ancestral Car.

Jewel's POV

We sneaked out of the house when the stars twinkled in the pitch black sky.

"If you believe in magic, you'll find it?.....This topic doesn't even make sense" huffed Max and punched the steering wheel in frustration. Kevin laughingly patted Max's arm and said "chill bro! Watch the road else we might bump into a hump." Max glared at Kevin and spat angrily "You just shut up."

None of us understood what this topic had to do with science. The topics were to be given the next day, but our sneaky friend Ray had seen our project topics. We thought that our teacher was out of her mind. So we decided to secretly enter the school and swap the other team's topic with ours.

"I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY THE HELL ARE ALL OF US GOING!!" I yelled. "Because we are a team! And if we get caught - all for one, one for all. It's called Unity " Kevin preached. "Oh please! We don't have space in this car for your philosophies. We all know that you boys are scared to go by yourself." Ivy scorned. "We girls, could've done it on our own" I added. "We didn't want you girls to go out alone in this dark night, you know" came Ray's reply in a dramatic woman's voice. "Quit being such a Drama Queen" Ivy scolded him getting irritated, while we all just groaned at their antics.

Suddenly there was a jerk and the car came to a screeching halt. Max tried and tried to get the car moving but in vain. Now we had to walk all the way to school!!!
"My brother's tricycle is better than your stupid old car" growled Ivy and kicked the car in despair. "Don't you dare abuse my ancestral car!" warned Max.
My angry glare silenced them.
Just then Glace spoke up, "As per my calculations our school is about 2 miles from here and with this speed we will be reaching there by midnight, so we must take the displacement instead of the distance." Not even one of us understood what she blabbered about. Looking at our confused faces, she pointed at a path which none of us had been through and said that it was a shortcut. "Ugh! such a nerd!!" muttered Ray as he face palmed himself, we all rolled our eyes as we followed her.

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