ruki (part 1)

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Shibuya, Japan. Busy roads and an especially busy industrial area. Lots of people rushing to work and moving to different places everywhere.

(y/n) brushed pass business men and foreigners as she was walking to X Japan University. A prestigious school that only rich families or gifted students could study in. She was trained a singer since young that always had a passion for Visual Kei music.

One band that never failed to pull on her heart strings were the GazettE. Inspiring her greatly with their new album, Dogma, she recently has been composing songs that circle around Japanese rock.

"the GazettE concert, ZEAL LINK, xx/xx/xxxx, 4:00 to 6:00," (y/n) read out in her mind. Damn...I have to go for this.

As (y/n) reads the poster, she starts to develop a plan on what to do to get the ticket for their upcoming concert. Never expecting that they'd have a concert so quickly, maybe it is one of their first performance for their newly released album. This brought (y/n) the mood to listen to Ruki's lovely voice.

As she reached into her pocket for her phone, she made a sharp turn around the corner only having to bump right into someone. "あー!" (ah—!) the stranger coughed out as he fell onto his elbows. You, too, fell but was more concerned about the stranger than your now scratched arm from trying to hold the wall for support. "ごめなさい!大丈夫か?" (I'm sorry! Are you alright?) (y/n) ask in a concerned tone.

The man seemed to be wearing a grey beanie, white mask and sunglasses, which made him quite questionable looking. His black hoodie and grey shirt underneath made him look like he was probably going to rob a bank but (y/n) had a small feeling that she recognised him but was more concerned. She quickly stood up, reached out her hand in front of him and gave him an apologetic smile, hoping that she doesn't get yelled at by the grown man. "いいえ、大丈夫です。" (its okay, I'm fine) the man groaned as he took her hand and pulls himself up too.

(y/n)'s eyes slightly widened as the man replied to her. And as he stood up in front of her, he seemed to be few inches taller than him but still quite small looking for someone with a deep voice. He too apologised and stared at her hand that helped him up.

"Is your arm alright?" the man asked while pointing at the scratch on her hand. (y/n) quickly hid her hand away and waved it off with her left hand. "It's alright I got it! I'm sorry again." she quickly apologised again with a small smile. The man stared at her as she walked away with her hair flowing behind her from the wind and her shoes clacking on the pavement floor.

- small time skips -

"You need to work a little overtime today..I'm sorry." (y/n)'s boss told her on the phone. She sighed and bit her bottom lip with frustration. Today was the GazettE's concert and it wasn't like she never been to their concert before, just that she thought she finally got the VIP tickets that she died to have and now her boss wasn't going to let her go. "I understand...I'll be there," she mumbled to the phone with hesitation. Her heart felt like it was going down lower into her stomach and her shoulders dropped as she let out yet another sigh of disappointment.

At work, (y/n) continued to serve customers with a smile even though she was just dying inside. Having deep thoughts on why she even continued working at that cafe, she continued taking orders and working hard since only she and her single coworker were able to work today.

As she stared at the clock for it to be 5:00, "maybe I can make a run for it, it's just down the road and I can maybe at least make it for a while..." she thought. It was as if time was slowing the more she stared at the clock.

gazettE stuffOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora