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The honey-dappled rays of light shone through the curtains and made its way to the young skeleton's face, making him cringe in disturbance. He opened his eyes ever so slowly, his shimmering golden eyes staring right back at the pale, white ceiling. He glanced lazily at the window, only to see that the morning sun has been risen halfway. He got out of the king-sized royal bed and started to get ready for the day.

"Hey Dream!" a familiar voice greeted. Said skeleton glanced over to see another skeleton smiling readily at him while talking to another. He was wearing a greyish blue top with short sleeves along with matching shorts. He also wore a huge persian blue bow scarf with azure blue stripes on his neck with matching gloves and boots. The other skeleton had  similar grey top but darker, and brown pants with dark, depressing boots. He had a brown scarf fading to a lighter shade along with fingerless gloves of the same color. He also seemed to have a brown paintbrush with gold lining tucked neatly under his scarf on his back. He had two mismatched eyes, both changing to a different color and shape per blink.

Dream headed to his two most trusted allies and friends before stating, "Status report." The one dressed in blue only stood there, taking occasional glances at the other as if signalling something.  He opened his mouth to say something, only to close it again after second thoughts. Dream looked confused at his actions but did not interfere. After an awkward silence, the other chimed in. "Dream, there's been an increase in the number of missing guards throughout night shifts. The other guards have been too scared by this and refuse to take the shifts despite how much we raise the price of the reward. There's now currently only Blueberry, Outer and I during the night shifts," he explained, gesturing at the skeleton next to him.

Dream nodded silently, taking in the information. He remembered Outer, the head of the royal guards. He was promoted for being the bravest and most loyal to his empire. Furthermore, he was highly intelligent and could often think of many ideas and strategies that were often useful for battle. However, the warrior with midnight blue armor lined with precious golden did not like Dream very much. He would often argue with Dream, despite the fact that Dream was his leader. Outer thought that he had to listen to dream all the time because he was his 'leader' and had a higher authority than him. Dream did not know this, but since Outer always talked back to him, he ended up disliking  Outer as well.

"No dust or blood was found, in case you're wondering," Blueberry disrupted Dream's chain of thoughts. "They just... disappeared. Mind you, these were completely fine soldiers and had done nothing wrong the day before. Ink and I have been coming up with suspects  but so far, nothing," he continued, the smile fading from his face.

Dream thought for a second, his majestic golden cloak fluttering in the gentle breeze out from a nearby window. "Have you ever considered that it might be soldiers from the Moon Empire?" a familiar voice suggested from behind. Dream froze. He knew whose voice that belonged to. The smug and arrogant voice, with an edge at it when talking to Dream specifically. He took a glace behind, to see none other than Outer, the head of the royal guards.

"What kind of assumption is that?!" Dream growled. "I'm just saying, it's possible, that they are taking our guards one by one until our defenses get low. Heck, they might even torture them into giving them info that may lead to who knows what. My guess? They're planning something big,"Outer replied, not noticing his leader's face turning red. "I say, that after all these years of happiness and peace between both our empires have made Nightm- I mean, him go crazy. He could be planning something that may take us by surprise. I'm betting that this, the kidnapping of the guards, is just the beginning." Outer seemed to be the kind of person who is never afraid to speak out their opinions. Yeah, those kind which you will probably meet once in a lifetime.

Dream could not take it anymore. Without warning, he raised his left hand high and slapped it across Outer's face. The loud slap was so frightening that everyone stood where they were. Soldiers patrolling the castle stopped dead in their tracks and everyone's eyes were glued on the duo. The silence was enough for you to hear a pin drop. Outer just smirked and scoffed at the look of his leader's raging expression. "What? Mad that I talked bad about your brother?" he grinned. 

This took the older by surprise. His hand started shaking wildly and his vision was beginning to blur. He could feel tears beginning to well up in his gleaming, golden eyes. He did not want everyone to see him cry. It would be a sign that their leader was weak and everyone would start to lose hope. He did not want that. Ignoring the words from his friends, he turned around and pushed Blueberry out of his way. He headed straight for his deluxe sized room, not sparing a thought about anyone but himself. He just needed to be alone from him. Not his brother, him.

Dream collapsed onto the shut mahogany door and onto the shiny, marble floor, clutching his head in despair. Tears began flowing down his red, puffy cheeks like rivulets.  Dark clouds seemed to constantly loom over his head, as he felt the weight of the whole world on his shoulders. He could not believe the words of the galactic-eyed skeleton. How dare he? Talk about his brother like that. Sure, the both of them had been through a lot and Nightmare was infamous and had a bad reputation, but in the end, they were still siblings. Family. No matter how much they may hate one another, it will never change the fact that they shared blood. Nightmare may hate Dream to the bone, but Dream will never hurt him back. Not even if his life or others were on the line.

"Mommy?" a sharp tug was felt on the depressed's shoulders.

Dream bent over, to see his two beloved children staring back at him with their eyes glowing with worry. One was wearing a shirt as white as snow with a salmon pink heart in the middle. There were two straps attached over her top which connected it to a short steel blue skirt, giving her a farmer/country-style look. The other was clutching onto his sister with a periwinkle blue over sized hoodie with stuffy sleeves that were a few millimeters too long. Not only that, he wore long pants that were a darker shade of his hoodie. Strangely, they were both wearing an eye patch over their left eye, showing only their right, which shone a brilliant gold like their mother.

"I'm f-fine, Faith..." Dream managed to mutter, his voice still breaking. Faith decided to sit next to her mother, leaning against the door where muffled voices could be heard. She stared hard at Dream, who wiped his tears off his cheek before facing his daughter. He forced a weak smile, attempting to show both his children that he was alright. He was apparently not as convincing as he thought. Faith then, signaled over at her brother to do something.

"Mom, Faith and I heard a loud noise just now in the main hall. Does that have to do with why you're sad?" Dream's son asked calmly. Dream sniffed and glanced over at his window. Lush, green trees were swaying gently in the gentle breeze and birds were chirping merrily under the warm rays of sunlight. Dream longed to be a bird, to be young, agile and free. He could never be any of those, as he was forever stuck at his role of being the leader of the Sun Empire. If he could be free, he could freely embrace and tell him the truth. He could have an actual family. Not needing to worry about anything, be it a death, an argument or taxes.

"Mommy?" Faith asked. Dream snapped back into reality. "Oh yeah, s-sorry. I was just u-upset about something s-someone said. It was nothing m-much, really," Dream pointed out. "Also, Star, what did I tell you about playing with Faith's shirt?" 

Faith turned around, a frown already formed in her face. Star only giggled sheepishly, still clutching tightly onto his sister's smooth shirt. Faith slapped her brother's hand off her shirt, absolutely annoyed and disgusted in her brother's actions. However, her brother resisted, and started to wipe his filthy hands all over Faith's frosty white shirt. Faith cringed instantly and applied all her force into shoving Star's hands off her favorite shirt, despite the fact that he still resisted and would not budge. Dream rolled her eyes, while stifling her laughs. Everyday, the twins would always be arguing.


Hewo people!!!

This is my first book btw

So, sorry for the cringeeeeeeeee

I'm trying okie ;-;

1532 words


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