I forgive you

129 5 4

Dust's POV

I went down the rusty stairs of the basement and headed for the last door at the corridor. The door creaked as I opened it, scaring Blueberry who was chained inside.

I stopped and stared at him for a moment, trying my best not to let out a sigh of pity.

His entire face was dripping with blood, with bruises and cuts all over his body. I could have sworn that he had a broken nose, and probably a few ribs. 

It was no doubt that Nightmare had done that to him soon after a left the room to give Blue his lunch. He really went rough on Blue to get the information he needed to go on with our plans. But honestly, I've seen worse.

He shivered and backed away from me, thinking that I was going to hurt him. I slowed my pace and smiled warmly to him, showing a sign of peace. He loosened his grip however avoided eye contact.  

I placed the bowl food on the floor, and slid it across the room and through the bars to reach the terrified Blue. He clearly lost his appetite, for he did not move an inch. 

"Did you that know he was going to do this?"

I flinched, looking back at Blue.

"D-do this... to me?"

Tears were swelling up in his brilliant blue eyes. Eyes displaying sadness and anger.

I stared back down to the stone floor, not saying a word. 

"I didn't know that he was going to be this hard on you." 

"S-so you did, huh?" Anger flared in his eyes, tears still threatening to spill.

"I can't believe you," he continued. 

"I can't believe I trusted you."

Those words hit me hard like a falling stone. But then again, he trusted me? Why? It's not like I did anything good to him anyway.

My head hung low, clearly disappointed. Blueberry glanced over at the tiny window opening, ignoring me.

I suddenly remembered something important. I reached my hand into my pocket, grabbing a few bandages and pain killers. I handed them over to Blue, reaching my hand through the metal bars. 

"Thought you might need them." I muttered.

He snatched them away from me, which was pretty hard considering that his hand was in a really bad condition. He then started to wrap his wounds with them and gobbled down the pills.

I sighed, "Listen Blue, I-"

I was interrupted by the entire base rumbling. Pieces of the wall started crumbling off, nearly hitting a frightened Blue and I. I could also hear screams from above.

"W-what was that?" Blue shivered.


"I think your friends have come to get you back."

"What?!" Blue gasped.

I clenched my fists and took out my double-blade knife  from my pocket. I turned and faced the crumbling door and held my ground. 

"Hide in the shadows. In case these people aren't your friends, I don't want you getting hurt. Besides, the Sun Empire has never fought so roughly."

"Stop! Don't do it! You'll get yourself killed!"

"You said it yourself, the Sun Empire has never fought this bad. It's true! We may seem nice, but deep down, we bottle up all our dark intentions! Sometimes the cap loosens whenever you threaten them, but when you do something really bad like kidnap their best friend, they can really blow their top! They can be vicious killers!" Blueberry continued.

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