Part 2

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Just a little quick note to clear any confusion the photo up top is Truline ok Enjoy!!

Walking home was usual,I walked alone only Rayela followed me.Truline races after me and stopped me from continuing home."Hey freak!!Watcha doin hangin with someone who's so much better than you?"She sneered as she got closer.Rayela was about to protest but I held up my hand."Honestly I don't have much choice.This girls supposed to watch me till I get better now go away."I growled but not in a harsh way because I hate standing up to people.She laughed at me and asked a stupid question."So why's she watching you freak?You getting trouble?"She laughed harder."NO!Im watching her to make sure she doesn't cut."Rayela yelled and I glared at her.She told the one thing I wanted no one else to know.Truline stopped laughing and stared at me.Something in her eyes changed and I could see sympathy.I hid my face using my hair and continued the walk to my house.Me and Truline used to be friends until she got more popular and decided to start beating me.When I got home the TV was playing."Finally home idiot."My older sister,Cecelia,sneered from the living room.Our mom left us when we were younger and our dad committed suicide."Go make dinner or else."Cecilia shouted and went back to staring at the TV.Sighing,I walked to the kitchen and made blueberry pancakes.Setting them on the table once they were done,I walked back to my room."Foods done Cecilia."I yelled loud enough for her to here and sat down at my desk.Taking out my sketchbook,I drew a girl falling into a black hole.After I finished the drawing,I wrapped my wounds to keep them from bleeding and got in bed.Humming a silent melody to myself,I fell asleep.The next morning came and I woke up with a sharp pain in my back.I yelped at the force and jumped up.Cecelia stood there laughing at me and then she walked out still laughing.I sighed and changed my clothes.Grabbing my sketchbook,I rushed to school.When I got there Rayela ran up to me and smiled."Hey Zeola!Can I see your drawings?"She greeted me and noticed my sketchbook.I hesitated then showed her.The majority of the drawings were people falling and others random doodles of animals and the sky.She gave me a confused yet delighted smile."This is wonderful!"Rayela exclaimed and then dragged me to class.Truline left me alone for the first part of the day,which deeply confused me."Hey Truline."I walked up to her.She looked up at me and her crystal blue gaze seemed to,soften?"Hey."She answered without a sneer.I was shocked but fine with this."How have you been,since,you know,we haven't had a decent conversation in ages."Truline offered a smile after she finished."Cecelia's gotten worse.Im fine other than that."I almost whispered the part about Cecelia.Truline looked on the verge of tears but fought them back."I'm sorry to hear that,can we be friends again?"Truline grimaced about my sister.Cecelia wasn't always cold hearted.When our dad died,she blamed it all on me.She abused me always saying it's my fault he's dead.The comments don't hurt me anymore,but it does push me away."yah we can be friends again."I smiled the best fake smile I could muster,for I still hated to smile.Rayela had been listening in and was almost brought to tears by what she'd heard.Me and Truline didn't notice her till she hugged me crying.Truline followed and also hugged me but held her tears back.I was deeply confused by their actions and just stood there.Mrs. Robinhood watched from her desk,smiling a bright smile."Alright class settle down and go back to your seats."Mrs. Robinhood ordered the class and everyone obeyed.Mrs.Robinhoods mood seemed brighter this morning and almost everyone noticed her upbeat mood.A boy with vibrant red hair raised his hand during class."Hey Mrs robinhood?Why so happy?"The boy asked our teacher."I'm happy,Geremy,because I just witnessed something anazing."Was all she said to the kid now named Geremy and went back to teaching leaving some of the class puzzled.Others who had witnessed the little commotion earlier were also quite happy to see me and Truline back as friends.A selective few knew about he cuts littering my arm and were glad I was happy.All happy moments come to an end right?Well mine ended once the bell rang for lunch.All the kids filed out and Rayela went to the bathroom saying she'll meet me in the lunchroom.Just because Truline won't hurt me anymore,doesn't mean her friends won't.They cornered me and started snarling like wild beasts."Your ugly and worthless."One of the girls growled."Yah you should just go kill yourself like your pathetic father."Another one hissed and clawed me.More insults flew my way along with a barrage of punched and kicks.20 minutes passed and they finally left for lunch.When I got the cafeteria,Truline and Rayela both gave me worried glances."what did they do to you?!?!Your all bloody!!"Truline streaked when she saw me.I took a seat and picked at my lunch."They just cornered me and beat me."I answered plainly,not caring all that much.Rayela almost broke down crying again,blaming herself for leaving me alone.I tried to comfort her the best I could and tell her not to blame herself."It's not your fault Rayela you didn't know that was going to happen."I tried to soothe the hurt girl shaking infront of me.Truline was trembling beside me and I touched her shoulder."Dont beat yourself up about it either.You didn't do anything it was them."I attempted soothing Truline but she wouldn't have it."Its my fault they insult you!I shouldn't have told them about your past Zeola!!"Truline broke down crying right in the lunchroom.Some kids were looking at the scene while others just continued their lunch like nothing was going on."Truline listen to me.This is not your fault because you didn't order them to."I took her face in my hands and made her look at me.Trulines eyes were red and that made me feel guilty.It made me feel guilty because I planned on ending everything in a week.

  Hope you enjoyed and do vote and leave comments.See yah in the next chapter!!!!!

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