Part 1: The Walk Home

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"I think we got enough done for today," Aizawa states plainly, earning a relieved and exhausted sigh from the girl in front of him.

"Thank, fucking, god!" Mizuki cried, leaning back in her chair.

For the past week or so, Aizawa had been tutoring Mizuki. It was actually quite surprising when she first asked him for help. He had always thought that she was kinda dense and wasn't able to understand how she even passed the written exam. At least, at first.

Mizuki never liked doing her work, and school seemed to be nothing but a chore for her. Half the time she was there, she was getting into fights, or taking care of her "cousin" Kimiko Suzuki. Although he'd never admit it, it was funny watching her question the teacher over stupid word-problems. Having said that, she's not dumb, in fact, she's quite clever. She just sucks at school. Thus, why they're here today.

Mizuki tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for Aizawa to finish packing his things. Leaning against the table, she stared out the window, taking note of the people outside and the darkening clouds.

"Ready to go?" Aizawa asked, standing up.

Taking a second to respond, Mizuki was eventually able to take her eyes away from the window as she turned to the other teen, "Mhm, we should probably hurry. It looks like it might rain."

Nodding in agreement, Aizawa followed her out the small café. As the two walked, he noticed that Mizuki was a little tense, more than usual at least. Paying it no mind, he pushed it aside as they continued their banter.

That was when she suddenly scooted closer to him, causing him to raise a brow before asking, "... Is something wrong?"

The girl gave a silent "no," as her pace picked up.

"Are you cold or something?" He tried prying, but only gained the same response.

A tired sigh fell from his lips as he shoved his hands into his pockets. He tried to wrap his head around her sudden shyness as they walked. Their chatter had long come to a stop, a comfortable silence falling between the two.

As they reached the point where the two normally part, Mizuki's steps didn't stop as she continued to walk by his side. He stopped, waiting for her to explain herself, brows furrowed in confusion.

Turning around, Mizuki cocked her head as she spoke, "Aren't you coming?"

"Didn't we just past your street?"

"Oh right... I guess I forgot to let you know, but I'm starting this new thing where I explore the city after class," She responded.

Bullshit. Both of them knew that. Mizuki knew the city as if it were the back of her hand, as Aizawa gave her an unamused look that asked "really?"

"You don't mind if I join you, right?" She asked sweetly, her sudden cute act catching him off guard.

"Uh, right... Sure... I guess...?"

As they resumed their walking, Aizawa found himself stealing a few glances every now and again at the other teen. Despite her sudden upbeat and cheerfulness, it was clear to him she was hiding something. Not that it was too hard to tell really. Anyone that even knew her a little bit could tell. But the most alarming thing was just how jumpy she was. She did a good job at hiding it, but at the slightest sound, Aizawa could just barely see her shoulders tense up. It was clear she was trying to avoid going home, but why? Was there something going on? Maybe she got into a fight with Suzuki or something? Either way, her odd behavior was worrying.

Aizawa's curiosity pulled at his thoughts as he wanted to pry but pushed it off in the end. It's not like she would tell him even if he asked.

They eventually turned on to a darkened street. No one was in sight, causing Mizuki's steps to falter. Her sudden bubbliness was now a little less bubbly, her body wanting to come to a stop as they entered the street. The once comfortable silence was now replaced with awkward tension. Mizuki's movements stiff, and her face a little pale. If she wasn't speed walking earlier, she definitely was now.

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